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[軟件下載] Danmaku Unlimited V1.0- 彈幕無限

The wait is over! Inspired by the best of 2D shooter games such as the Touhou series and other doujin games from Japan, Danmaku Unlimited is an authentic bullet hell shooter experience on a level that is rarely available on mobile devices!

Danmaku, or bullet curtain, is a variation of the classic 2D scrolling shooter where there could be hundreds if not thousands of bullets on screen at any given time, each of them arranged in patterns that require skillful manoeuvring by the player to dodge. It is not all one sided as the player wield amazing firepower that decimates lesser enemies with ease, resulting in a dramatic, fast-paced gameplay experience.

Set in the not so distant future, Danmaku Unlimited places you in a world that is gripped by destruction, caused by the will of nature to cleanse the earth of mankind that for long has been abusing her gifts. The manifestation of her wrath comes in the form of six goddesses, or Valkyrias. As beautiful as they are deadly, they wield the power to transform and re-purpose man's creation to their cause.

As humanity crumple against nature's righteous onslaught, will you, the only Valkyria that still sees hope in mankind, fight to give humans a second chance? Or will humanity receive the judgement it so deserves?
