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Nikon D7000 vs Panasonic GF3

Want to upgrade my old Nikon D90. Please suggest. Thx in Adv.
i'm using a d90 and a d7000..... is not a good choice for you to do that, trust me...
get d300s or d700....
d7000 not much diff, just higher iso and add on some functions, i agreed with what baddy1868 said...
2 completely different style of cameras.  d7000 is dslr, with excellent AFF on 1080 video and a good sensor for photos, gf3 is an EVIL camera, small and handy, but it is not out yet, it's not even announced yet.
D7000 is a must ! buy it without regret !
D7000 is better!
Just say i am using D7000 and love it heaps, but since you are with D90, i believe upgrade to FX is a wiser step. and you won't be comfortable using EVIL (especially GF3 is much lighter and all the function key will be in the menu) after you get used to DSLR. BTW, D90 wasn't that old, and it is really a good camera.
upgrade to D300S or D700
D7k la