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Surfer Almost Swallowed by Whale



  • civicboy1969

surfing at sea is very fun and thrilled. & ~; i3 {! z+ y! K% x
but, can be quite risky and dangerous
! D9 |* |0 ?  I# ~# R1 Atvb now,tvbnow,bttvbat times.' n# \6 }- [8 ^+ Y$ i) e
should always take care to swim and surf# J1 W+ f: r: L$ f, D! G4 t
on safe waters only
7 \( i  a: b( k9 u- L2 c: }1 ]' H* L. z/ D5 C+ x, Y
life no take too, life not many 10yrs ah !!
; J5 [4 P" D* D+ ?0 D) [www2.tvboxnow.comdon't bet your luck away without second thought


  • civicboy1969
