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which one will you pick?!!!!!

options 1: work hard and have a very succesful life. But can see the one you are reallytvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) N) Y5 m2 ]+ X' M$ d" K
               long time or she could end up merry someone elstvb now,tvbnow,bttvb4 v" z3 P% x* O9 \: a
options 2: just go for it. But you don't know what's your feture is gonna be
8 o/ x9 G8 w2 a5 R" M
  ]7 q5 v9 W" g0 W  f- D4 Dwhich one will you pick ?
well... i will choose Option 1.. coz i wil need to hv a good career only can gv my beloved better
8 H7 ^2 W* M( H  A0 qlife..
ur eng sux =(
i will choose Option 1