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[馬來西亞] “Listen姐”否認會出席論壇

(吉隆坡21日訊)“Listen姐”莎麗法與北方大學法律系二年級學生芭瓦妮將在周二晚舉行的論壇上再次碰面一事,儘管網絡上傳得言之鑿鑿,不過一個馬來西亞女性之聲組織已否認。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ T" W+ E7 K! H! j, K
; U& q4 t! |2 p1 ]www2.tvboxnow.com上週五,一個親伊斯蘭黨的新聞網站張貼了莎麗法答應出席論壇的回函,信上還有莎麗法的簽名及她領導的“一個馬來西亞女性之聲”組織的蓋章。論壇的主講人還包括法律專家阿都阿茲巴里、國際回教大學講師馬斯里馬列博士。
0 J/ v1 u& }" h不過,一個馬來西亞女性之聲今日否認莎麗法會出席有關論壇。公仔箱論壇$ Z, y6 h6 C3 n) H7 L* m- e
該組織發言人依瑪指出,所謂莎麗法回函表示會出席論壇的信函,是虛假捏造的。www2.tvboxnow.com) |4 [* A- ]& n9 d2 y. S
" [5 W& r5 E5 V$ J$ [7 l7 P  Rtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb該組織發言人万諾法列阿茲裡說,上週五已電郵邀請函給莎麗法,並認為回函是假的說法極荒謬,因為回函上附有該組織蓋章。
7 v1 _2 `+ G$ \; {- C6 h+ [8 ~他也說,由於沒有正式收到莎麗法拒絕出席的回函,因此仍然假設她會赴會。
when this lady is the organiser, she claim she has the power to allow or disallow other people to speak. as this event is not organised by this lady, she does not has this power anymore. www2.tvboxnow.com$ ^8 {6 s2 T" \1 B
maybe this is the reason she dare not to show up for this event.& q8 f) @* N! ~
when you are the organiser, you can bully other people and tell illogical stories.
! I- f7 B" z7 ?* j) [now when you are ask to play on level playing field, you dare not to do so.
, ?& J9 i! c6 f+ h2 Wwww2.tvboxnow.commaybe you should stay home and continue posting "special" statement on facebook and twitter and claim you are champion of the world.


  • civicboy1969
