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[時事討論] 蕭少滔: 蘇格蘭獨立公投

蕭少滔: 蘇格蘭獨立公投www2.tvboxnow.com8 W2 {1 R6 A9 i/ I

& l; d" ]/ }7 S公仔箱論壇公仔箱論壇, Z" M4 Q# p0 Z, {1 c' w6 ?2 L

8 ]+ b' J6 ~: t! c- ftvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
; K1 T1 R6 B5 R2 D$ v: m& P7 [( @( k' C) A2 G; J% ~. H3 i2 g3 R
歷史很會開玩笑。既然英國佬是千古罪人,連稱讚兩下都會被評為「不愛國」,那麼我也不怕幫忙「踩多兩腳」班死人英國佬,讓大家過一個「快樂愛國­」的中秋節、也「溝淡」一下近日繼續「快樂抗爭」的大專學生。+ R9 e5 d5 f- v, }3 U3 K

; W2 I+ b. |9 p, s" Qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb很久沒有寫「公投」分析。不過最近蘇格蘭的「政改公投」,又真是比香港這邊的更加熱鬧,因為真的隨時是變成「蘇格蘭獨立」也說不定。不過稍為定一定神,也又泛起不少疑團。事情看來沒有表面那般簡單:背後的「中國因素」,似乎大家都忽略了。
  m$ R. x3 x; J0 E" a
* |, w3 r$ B) `tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb首先是有趣的反思:假如暴力可以將一個民族強行納入一個「國家」的版圖,看來難度不大,此即所謂「槍桿子出政權」之類,不算新聞。但要本土民族不會萌生「獨立」的想法,這個看來即使是「統一」三百年之後,也解決不了。其實大清帝國又何嘗不是如此下場,大英帝國又是否可以倖免?TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。5 v$ m6 {0 V" ]8 R1 {. ^; S

3 v6 p( }. e; x+ V6 Ztvb now,tvbnow,bttvb先看一下蘇格蘭公投個案由來。% Q" x% D5 w) w1 L. f
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb. n* S; K3 k. e; w* }. m$ r
+ g4 N4 T# I6 @2 Q
$ @+ w. j9 J2 g4 S9 RTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。最早的「合併」在1535年,英格蘭王國以《聯合法案》合併威爾斯公國。然後按《1707年聯合法案》合併蘇格蘭王國,才形成「聯合王國」。當中的「聯合」,是 Union,其實和「統一」又分別不大矣。
  T( A$ V0 i0 n( ~% e5 uwww2.tvboxnow.com對於這段「聯合」的歷史,其實蘇格蘭人從來都知道是什麼一回事,因此才又會不停有「文化人」出來提醒那段「被聯合」的歷史。近期比較著名的是1995年由Mel Gibson 自編自邊自演的 Braveheart。電影得到10項金像獎提名而奪得了5項,包括最佳電影、最佳導演等等。有評論認為對蘇格蘭重新鬧起獨立來,有很大影響云云。
: @/ ]0 ^* G$ p) U/ A+ c. }www2.tvboxnow.com1 {7 Q/ n. z% `; w% K! ]
公仔箱論壇# w& G. }5 r4 I" H- e
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb: }4 W8 `$ m1 b  l8 L: A
而當初蘇格蘭被併入「英國」的版圖,也又是一個漫長的過程,最先是通過王族婚姻而來1,最終在1707年訂立【聯合法案】。! _. G6 ?* k- _

% X. `$ e: x# k  s0 {不過大家記憶中的「英國」,是「大英帝國」。而帝國之名稱,以其「日不落國」的獨特地位來發揚光大。這個是人類歷史上第一個「全球帝國」。的確史無前例。而其帝國也分開起碼三個時期,以其「第二帝國」期間(失落美國殖民地之後)約1815-1915的整整一百年間最為鼎盛。
) n- P( i" C. X0 t% _' T' y7 d
: l, d# q: Z# F- B9 M' Ywww2.tvboxnow.com不過對於帝國的本質,從來也是建基於「掠奪」,這個是千古不易的真理。因而對於「也講英文」的所謂「英倫三島」,其實和北美、印度、非洲的領土一樣,只是心理距離的程度不同而已。即使大家「也講英文」,也別以為人家就是「一家人­」。例如當初北美洲的殖民地,不單止只是講英文,而且「人種」之由來,也主要是英倫三島。但當殖民地人民自己起草【獨立宣言】的時候,這個算不算是「叛國」? 這個問題極有趣也。www2.tvboxnow.com% [2 R% e1 l4 l5 t" {

, B" o1 B, Z- k: w7 bTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。而美國當時也發生過「保皇」爭拗。基於「繁榮穩定」的考慮,當美國獨立戰爭在1776年全面爆發的時候,在北美殖民地當中,其實有大量「誓死效忠宗主國」的建制派反對獨立,甚至參與對革命軍的武裝戰鬥。對於當時美國有多少「保皇黨」,這個仍是沒有正式統計。但大致估計為20%,甚至有所謂「三分天下」的講法:獨立、中立、保皇,搞「美獨」的美國革命黨「也不一定是大多數」。
1 x( D$ L' ^( {# S1 \- P! \. j3 ^$ V- l- r) u7 y
因此「美利堅合眾國」啟動時之所謂「天予人歸」也者,也可以套用「槍桿子出政權」的同類,就是「一小撮叛亂份子」在威脅國家安全而已。而最終「保皇黨」的命運是「向北逃亡」往加拿大。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb2 s9 k& M% L0 N9 v: Y* `) Y2 z

7 q$ ]: Q, I/ I6 s2 \美國的「掠奪價值」,在獨立初期似乎並不明顯。那是因為在英國的管治之下,美國殖民地有很清晰的「定位」,那就是為民族利益服務。( p5 R0 n2 T, p8 \; y2 `
公仔箱論壇. l" z" Y* m- M6 Q; e" k
而英國的民族利益是什麼呢?事後美國成為世界第一經濟強國,這點在當時倫敦的眼中,相對於「國家安全」其實是微不足道的東西。事後來看當然可笑。這個「國家安全」當時是這樣演譯的:就是二等公民的錢只能由愛國的一等公民來賺。殖民地裡面大量的非本國移民,有「私通外國」的風險也。2 X2 L# K2 l3 `8 L& K( g

, o0 g% n( [+ Z4 W8 T% tTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。例如1600年【航海法案】規定,殖民地運往英國的貨物,必須要經由英國製的船隻、並且由英國船長駕駛以及聘用不少於75%的英國船員。殖民地的「行政長官」(時稱總督)必須非常愛國,並「宣誓效忠」這條由倫敦一錘定音的法案。而北美殖民地規定不能向其他國家提供煙草、大米、糖以及靛藍(染料)。而同樣由歐洲對美洲貿易也必須由英國船隻包辦。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。( s- q: v1 d) Q$ K& T7 a9 `
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb" _8 p* G: a7 k& P/ l  _5 W7 `
延至1696年,「由於殖民地法官不乏同情走私客」,很明顯連法官也不愛國,這還了得! 因而有關貿易禁令要改由英國法庭裁決:美國殖民地連原本已有的終審權也沒有了。這種「高度自治」的安定繁榮再延至1750年,英國又發現禁止不了美洲殖民「自己搞生產」,於是乾脆下令「不得另起爐灶」,真的是爐灶噢:禁止美洲殖民地興建製鐵工廠! 以確保「宗主國的經濟安全」。唉,原來所謂「經濟安全也是國家安全」,太陽底下無新事物噢。日後由於1773年的茶葉抗稅運動終於演變為武力革命,可謂「冰封三尺非一日之寒」。
2 u4 ^. h% F+ V  i. n- E公仔箱論壇
' f* T9 i0 n. i5 j' a% k" w( w8 p美國的所謂「高度自治」之下的溫水煮蛙「英國夢」,原來足足煮了過百年才是「夢醒時分」。如此搵笨也可以過骨?真是天真到加零壹,那有本事做世界霸權,對人家說三道四…公仔箱論壇, p( A2 c+ G5 V

$ Z( j+ _$ T4 I( u9 t; u( MTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。至於蘇格蘭那邊呢?理論上來講,相對於英格蘭的「中原」,蘇格蘭是「不毛之地」嘛。貪來幹啥?況且人口才不過520萬,比香港還要少!搞她媽的什麼獨立?況且只佔英國人口不到7%!要搞獨立?問過千千萬萬的英國同胞沒有?TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。5 Z$ c9 b* T9 V

0 h2 ~" f0 y8 g/ S9 d: f( v不過蘇格蘭就是勝在夠「勇武」,大英帝國的百年帝國光環,其實蘇格蘭的供獻極大。例如對於整個大西洋北部海域和航道的控制、造船和冶金工業的大幅提升,以至人命的輸出(單是第一次世界大戰,蘇格蘭派出戰鬥人員50萬,佔全蘇格蘭成年男性人口的一半!),都令得大英帝國如虎添翼。而到了二十世紀,隨着「北海油田」的開發,蘇格蘭更加成為歐洲的石油首都。公仔箱論壇) w* {. v0 n3 D' d$ N

$ q; z5 C- L8 f/ V2 P! P這塊肥肉,英國可以放口嗎?而蘇格蘭人又不知道嗎?公仔箱論壇" ~7 j; f: P* H$ r: w

: K4 M# j$ l: s7 K1 @: ]) ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvb不過又是那一句,歷史發展,不會隨主觀意願而有所改變。按《星期日泰吾士報》的最民調結果顯示:贊成獨立的比例,經已在上星期(2014年9月6日)超越反對獨立的比例。公仔箱論壇( K; k7 G8 f# @0 C0 Z1 ?

2 J5 {, {! D/ h  y2 W3 K8 U公仔箱論壇
$ D+ {6 z- _6 K4 s* q' z2 B3 Zwww2.tvboxnow.com
1 z' u* r/ A) n7 Z) R; l其實這個結果並無意外,只是「延遲」了一年出現。早在一年之前,當時的民調顯示:趨勢有危險。但「非常幸運地」,獨立派過不了45%的水位。而且直至2014年7月仍是這樣2。那麼到底這幾個月,蘇格關又發生了什麼事?8 C" V( t8 @: t8 u

$ q+ k: H& z3 |  s8 \或者可以反過來問,英國又發生了什麼事?阻止不了「一少撮別有用心的反對派」?
! s$ |# Z: T' v+ U% u& n  a
6 t" S$ B- v9 i7 i, `公仔箱論壇原來英國佬真的是「中了計」!
* ~( Z7 o: u- m: `. Qwww2.tvboxnow.comwww2.tvboxnow.com$ z/ U+ \  [5 i$ \
3 i5 B, w+ g6 k8 G0 _" f: ftvb now,tvbnow,bttvbwww2.tvboxnow.com) o! k5 D! w! }4 x( ^
而在當初蘇格蘭爭取得到進行獨立公投的時候3,英國佬也「設計了安全措施」。例如法案當中規定的公投資格包括了大量「親英」的原素,尤其是「按在蘇格蘭的居留權」來界定,可以公投的選民包括了:tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb8 E( M! s7 `6 Y! D! c4 v
1. 居住在蘇格蘭的英國公民公仔箱論壇3 c5 w* C9 w7 ?* z
2. 居住在蘇格蘭的52個英聯邦國家公司
. ?& m; n& r* L4 @3. 居住在蘇格蘭的歐盟27國公民
- w' J5 k6 A' k4 X5 X1 g8 LTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。4. 居住在蘇格蘭的英國上議院議員www2.tvboxnow.com3 l7 `: \7 Q$ Z' |
5. 居住在蘇格蘭的英國駐軍TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。7 A, D6 e6 t7 D% l9 H5 l8 X. \
! ]( x# b0 _. }- N. xTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。0 Z9 @+ p$ ?4 _+ D" m/ w
之不過,所謂「眼大睇過龍」就是這種情況。英國按以上的「居留權」來篩選,獨立派的票源原本也不超過45%。這是2013年底的數據。之不過同時「非常陰毒」的反對派策劃了「降低投票年齡」,由18改為16歲!這就解釋了為何在幾個月之內,「民意」會「過界」。因為民調先前也已指出:傾向獨立的群組,主要集中在「低收入、低學歷、婦女」部份,換句話:弱勢社群。那麼蘇格蘭的年輕人屬於那個群組? 一眼就應該看得通吧?& P6 T3 V3 I2 Y
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 y) Z; X0 a) y
因此在計入年輕人的意向之後:金翅大鑊鳥。www2.tvboxnow.com( N  a$ @( a: b; m- l  e' ~

# o; L) m! D) ^9 O- m: nwww2.tvboxnow.com目前英國仍在亡羊補牢之中。其中一招,就是盡量發動退休人仕(一般沒有表態)出來投票,並且以「反動亂、保福利」作為籌碼。真狼狽。
" [& R# i" r" @TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。但正如文首提及,到底「中國因素」在這個時候發生了什麼作用?
' J/ R$ j' W4 f8 \" r1 k( M第一, 為什麼卡梅倫政府又發出通告,謂支持北京發表政改決定,又呼籲香港的大中華膠繼續第二輪諮詢?
4 Z! j4 r$ b  V" e1 B1 f7 nwww2.tvboxnow.com第二, 李克強之前6月去英國訪問,為什麼商務問題又要「強行拜訪」英女皇?
- V+ R7 R# ~! s8 ZTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。第三, 蘇格蘭的蘇中商會又無獨有偶地在同月出訪中國,談「促進貿易」。
, t- E: y3 s( mTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。第四, 而正正就是2013年年底,蘇格蘭首席部長薩蒙德任內第四次出訪中國,也是談貿易。www2.tvboxnow.com* o6 C0 q3 r" E1 ?1 J- T9 k
第五, 同年6月,蘇格蘭議會對外關係委員會舉行了一次關於愛丁堡對華策略的專門聽證會:聽證會認為,在貿易會談中提及中國人權問題只會「極之適得其反」。" x) f1 M" c' S' t/ O2 }7 R' p
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。/ s! c* g. e( I. z4 O  b
' E% Y. V8 v3 U# I0 Gwww2.tvboxnow.com公仔箱論壇# X% d( q. I  {5 ]
7 e' T+ ?2 H' }! Ytvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
+ H  \) s) _' [5 z( _因此到底「英國」想怎樣的問題,其實香港的因素極少。反而因為香港政改影射蘇格蘭公投,或者反過來蘇格蘭公投影射香港,這個才是大問題。而彭定康吃過中國的大虧,當然和卡梅倫過不去!那只是英國執政保守黨的內部矛盾,而且重點是蘇格蘭而不是香港。
5 S- P9 [8 w6 ]8 S6 d% gtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb公仔箱論壇2 J! d6 I# Q4 g9 A" t# b
, I( x0 t% \5 N3 I( L6 d- p/ T. e* _公仔箱論壇' h/ r) y" \* {: G7 U) R
香港對中國的經濟影響,肯定比蘇格蘭對英國的影響要大得多。先前的文章已寫過了。這裡可以進一步補充一點:中國來自國外的直接投資,香港佔了七成以上!公仔箱論壇; z* C$ c4 R% ~
公仔箱論壇8 {( \. K/ u* [( J

, k( ~6 w9 h7 n! J, k  c0 M公仔箱論壇
" o% b1 z, c; E5 T4 ?# t$ Z! B公仔箱論壇那不是坊間流言,是中華人民共和國商務部2014年7月的統計數據。香港在2014年1至5月的總投資接近340億美元,比起第二位的台灣22.8億美元,總量大十倍以上。香港在全中國外來投資的佔比是70%。
$ S. \+ }* j# P8 L公仔箱論壇; b7 Q1 c: X$ \0 R
這個簡直不能用「南水北調」來形容,直頭是「單一最大外資來源」!公仔箱論壇9 a& N& M& g* K
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb6 t6 Q4 c. F. j5 J8 `
; E1 g$ X2 Y( W! p7 f( X  F/ a( bwww2.tvboxnow.com
: y5 f6 {7 i+ u/ j+ N+ pTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。蘇格蘭目前的情況非常有參考價值:民意背向實在可以令宗主國非常被動,看你是否懂得玩。而且另一個更有趣的情況是:一個宗主國即使強如大英帝國,也有出問題的一日,就算你可以推行國教三百年,勉強就是不會有好結果。
8 I! E% ?4 {5 j. T( s8 A9 E
+ W( X2 r6 a1 `) a7 ?- p" b: Mtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb最後一個小駐腳:為什麼查理斯王子一個男人老狗總是經常穿着一條蘇格蘭格仔裙四處跑?公仔箱論壇2 n  V) ]& u1 R: \1 ^1 H

( y! {( E  {9 l0 A# w' \' \5 lwww2.tvboxnow.com開古:那條不是蘇格蘭裙,那是「威爾斯裙」。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ q8 Q$ e# \: N
英國有這個傳統:英格蘭國王承諾過,可以繼承英國皇位的,只會是威爾斯王子。一如「港人治港」一樣。威爾斯人基於這個「非常莊嚴的承諾」,於是真心膠地歸順了英國。不過原來事實是反過來,英國皇帝欽點的儲君,同時加冕為「威爾斯王子」。鬼叫威爾斯的傻仔一早簽好條約,接受英國國王做老闆咩?於是誰人有資格做威爾斯王子,那是百份百英國的內政嘛。www2.tvboxnow.com) s1 k* a& ?9 B8 a. Y: ?

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本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2014-9-9 02:29 PM 編輯 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb8 e5 \! s! W8 D% s0 M; Q' c

$ E( C- I" Y9 h9 t1 R( ~, J) e/ ]$ \TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Harold James : Should Scotland Leave the Pound Zone?; R1 f7 z0 a6 {% F. H

; H* x2 l) i" K* |% ?TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
) {, [* W' [1 t+ K* a, N8 {tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
PRINCETON –As Scotland prepares for this month’s referendum on independence, the United Kingdom – indeed, all of Europe – must brace itself for the impact of a successful bid. Scottish independence would revolutionize the British and European constitutional frameworks, and give a tremendous boost to other European separatist movements, from Catalonia to northern Italy. The economic impact of independence, however, is far less certain.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb% g/ E3 A( y  X: a5 [4 R

2 q+ a: [4 f$ F! V6 `& K- h, uAdvocates of independence have long insisted that they are motivated primarily by the distinctiveness of Scottish identity. But Scotland’s history and traditions,while undoubtedly its own, have been shaped by centuries of interaction with England and other parts of the British Isles.5 `( f6 L5 s6 H2 t% a  I7 s
The more immediate issue for Scots is money. The question of whether an independent Scotland could or should continue to use the British pound has dominated discussions over the last few months of the referendum campaign. The outcome –for Scotland, the UK, and Europe – could vary widely, depending on which path Scotland chooses.
( R/ Q! ]! e1 s. o" ptvb now,tvbnow,bttvb: F# |" d* A0 L: g1 A
So far,Scottish nationalists have insisted that an independent Scotland would retain the pound. But, given how much easier it would be to make the case for a separate currency – not to mention the fact that Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne has explicitly rejected Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond’s proposed currency union – such declarations amount to an own goal.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb, r5 N7 Y7 m$ P* M& X/ O/ y* \
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb% n0 x5 @# I8 \
The problem with the Scottish nationalists’ vision is a mirror image of the eurozone’s main shortcoming. Given that a single currency cannot function without a common monetary policy, and that economic conditions across the currency union differ,individual members will, at times, be subject to unsuitable policies.公仔箱論壇0 U, a& T/ |" c2 I/ z! ?7 O7 |1 [

' @- k) q& W. O6 T- `6 T& NTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。For example,during the construction boom of the 2000s, Ireland and Spain should have had tighter monetary conditions, higher interest rates, and lower loan/asset ratios. But their eurozone membership meant that government and private-sector borrowers alike benefited from very low interest rates. After the financial crisis erupted, and policymakers began seeking ways to compel banks to revive lending in these and other struggling countries, it became apparent that there were no available tools to employ.公仔箱論壇& f: q0 G1 b0 V+ r# f5 J( \. O- D

  m. a5 G7 C- D1 A+ {公仔箱論壇Today, the UK faces a similar dilemma. The property boom in the London area demands tighter monetary conditions. But higher rates would wreak economic havoc on the rest of the country, where the recovery remains anemic.
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Moreover,like Germany, London maintains a huge current-account surplus (8% of GDP) – a potentially serious problem, given the deflationary effect that Germany’s surplus has had on the rest of the eurozone. Already, the rest of the UK runs an external deficit that is higher than that of any industrialized country.! q- B) P1 O5 o' w2 q5 Z1 C

6 z3 T& N7 Y* f) iThe behavior of a currency can be driven by one powerful and preeminent sector of the economy; in the pound’s case, it is the financial sector. Some viewed the pound’s rapid decline in 2007 and 2008 – a 30% depreciation in trade-weighted terms – as a much-needed economic stimulus, given the boost that it implied for export competitiveness. The UK’s independent monetary policy provided it with a level of flexibility that the eurozone economies lacked.
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But the revival of confidence in the financial sector has caused the pound to rebound sharply (by 18%since the end of 2008), eroding the UK’s competitiveness gain. What is good for the City of London is not necessarily good for the rest of the economy.( g/ i3 K, x, Y( W% u

5 m; R  \1 Z9 k, `0 ?6 h; Mwww2.tvboxnow.comThere is thus an unmistakable appeal in escaping an economic arrangement that shackles Scotland to London – an appeal that the great Scottish economist Adam Smith would have recognized. Indeed, his most influential work, The Wealth of Nations, was motivated by the belief that the interests of the London merchant community were distorting British commercial policy.
8 O4 i% A7 x7 K$ M) L6 `' n* Swww2.tvboxnow.com. d& s- a  [% y' c; h  z3 |
The alternative to retaining the pound, however, presents its own challenges.According to the Scottish economist Ronald MacDonald, an independent Scotland should have its own currency,which would behave like a petro-currency, owing to the economy’s dependence on North Sea gas and oil.
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But replacing one dominant sector with another is probably not good for the rest of the Scottish economy, which would lose competitiveness whenever surging energy prices pushed up the exchange rate. As less competitive industries were driven into loss and insolvency, economic activity would become even more concentrated and specialized.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb5 E' U8 s& M# M- l" \' d7 ^& |

9 P; m2 o$ D+ V- p) R1 p9 ?www2.tvboxnow.comPlacing the burden of adjustment on the exchange rate is not the answer. The small, open economies of Switzerland and Norway – important models for Scotland – struggled with sharp currency appreciation during the global financial crisis. For Switzerland, the solution was to implement a ceiling on the franc’s exchange rate against the euro.
% f" m# M2 d0 ^) {5 i. g9 w公仔箱論壇
' G, s$ T3 J& ^www2.tvboxnow.comThis should inspire Scotland to pursue association with a larger currency area and a more diversified economy. How about adopting the euro?
: z" x+ W( G- r6 U
  K; n6 w  l  u* Z" Owww2.tvboxnow.com
8 d& J$ d  Z, r" d4 \. g
  W2 N9 p5 w, ~( E2 |9 c9 Swww2.tvboxnow.comHarold James is Professor of History and International Affairs at Princeton University, Professor of History at the European University Institute, Florence, and a senior fellow at the Center for International Governance Innovation. A specialist on German economic history and on globalization, he is the author of The Creation and Destruction of Value: The Globalization Cycle, Krupp: A History of the Legendary German Firm,and Making the European Monetary Union.
: c3 |8 B/ w( k0 c5 X# E

& P+ J3 r+ J; J, J) `www2.tvboxnow.com
本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2014-9-11 10:49 PM 編輯
1 y' m, b8 E) L9 r& W( i7 A+ NTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。2 V. ]" Y! R6 U+ M
The Economist: UK RIP ?
; M9 Q# u: |- [: n5 c* j; w4 N$ Y  J公仔箱論壇9 F& f8 L# S5 v' C
Ditching the union would be a mistake for Scotland and a tragedy for the country it leaves behind
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$ u" l9 z5 W- Q) {; D$ J; h. q% Gtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb

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% Q2 B8 t( [2 zTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。2 k! l- Q, I# y/ r& U( ^' H
SCHOOL CHILDREN once imagined their place in the world, with its complex networks and allegiances, by writing elaborate postal addresses. British youngsters began with their street and town (London or Manchester, Edinburgh or Cardiff),followed by England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland; then came the United Kingdom (and after that Europe, the World, the Universe…). They understood that the UK, and all its collective trials and achievements—the industrial revolution, the Empire, victory over the Nazis, the welfare state—were as much a part of their patrimony as the Scottish Highlands or English cricket. They knew, instinctively, that these concentric rings of identity were complementary, not opposed.
6 H9 |+ `# V' M7 m; ]5 utvb now,tvbnow,bttvbwww2.tvboxnow.com! K4 R* ^% Y) Y! g; o
At least,they used to. After the referendum on Scottish independence on September 18th,one of those layers—the UK—may cease to exist, at least in the form recognisable since the Act of Union three centuries ago. As the vote nears,Scotland’s nationalists have caught up with the unionist No camp in the opinion polls, and even edged ahead (see article). More and more Scots are deciding that the UK, which their soldiers, statesmen,philosophers and businessmen have done so much to build and ornament, does not cradle their Scottishness but smothers it. This great multinational state could be undone in a single day, by a poll in which just 7% of its citizens will participate. That outcome, once unthinkable, would be bad for Scotland and tragic for what remained of the UK.
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The damage a split would do2 [! {* V- A4 a) n+ ~& e$ Z
3 s' N. s) n6 X
The rump of Britain would be diminished in every international forum: why should anyone heed a country whose own people shun it? Since Britain broadly stands for free trade and the maintenance of international order, this would be bad for the world. Its status as a nuclear power would be doubtful: the country’s nuclear submarines are based in a Scottish loch and could not be moved quickly. Britain would also be more likely to leave the European Union, since Scots are better disposed to Europe than are the English (and are less likely to vote for the Conservatives, who are promising a Euro-referendum if they win next year’s general election). The prospect of a British exit from the EU would scare investors much more than a possible Scottish exit from Britain (see article).
8 R! I  u# Z- _- r8 K, l) rwww2.tvboxnow.com
# Y1 m& L9 E" M+ X# O公仔箱論壇The people of Scotland alone will decide the future of Britain, and they are not obliged to worry about what becomes of the state they would leave. But—perhaps not surprisingly, given the endurance and success of the union, imperilled though it is—Scots’ own interests, and the rest of Britain’s, coincide.
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At the heart of the nationalist campaign is the claim that Scotland would be a more prosperous and more equal country if it went solo. It is rich in oil and inherently decent, say the nationalists, but impoverished by a government in Westminster that has also imposed callous policies. They blame successive British governments for almost every ill that has befallen Scotland, from the decline of manufacturing industry to ill-health to the high price of sending parcels in the Highlands. Alex Salmond, Scotland’s nationalist leader, is broad in his recrimination: Labour and the Tories are of a piece, he suggests, in their disregard for Scotland.
5 J6 p# F/ Y; \6 W8 v4 m4 b) H/ i/ zwww2.tvboxnow.com0 n8 K; U* k& Z4 x+ }$ Y& {
But Scotland’s relative economic decline is the result not of southern neglect but of the shift of manufacturing and shipping to Asia. If Westminster has not reversed all the deleterious effects of globalisation and technology, that is because to do so is impossible. The nationalists know this, which is why, sotto voce, they would continue many of Westminster’s policies. Instead they make much of minor adjustments, such as abolishing the “bedroom tax”, a recent measure designed to nudge people out of too-large social housing. To break up a country over such small, recent annoyances would be nuts.
! d% M! h  R& A5 m& s0 [. b, U- {TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
0 z& F0 p; u' V2 B: X: E公仔箱論壇The nationalists’ economics are also flawed. Scotland would not, in fact, be richer alone. The taxes that would flow to it from the North Sea would roughly compensate for the extra cost of its lavish state, which would no longer be funded by Westminster (last year spending was some £1,300 per person higher in Scotland than elsewhere in Britain). But oil revenues are erratic. They would have earned Scotland £11.5 billion in 2008-09 but only £5.5 billion in 2012-13.If an independent state were to smooth these fluctuations by setting up an oil fund, it would have less cash to spend now. In any case, the oil is gradually running out. In order to maintain state spending after it is gone, taxes would have to rise. And a crunch might come much sooner. Foreign investors and big businesses that mostly serve English customers could well move south.
3 w+ Z/ `) j  Z1 O4 o) x
! b5 B- W0 q& C4 @公仔箱論壇Westminster has ruled out a currency union (see
article)—correctly,given that the nationalists propose a deficit-widening fiscal splurge and that the assets of Scottish banks are an alarming 12 times the country’s GDP. It might relent, but only if Scotland agrees to such strict oversight that independence ends up meaning little. The nationalists say that kinks over currency and the like could be worked out amicably—that it would not be in Britain’s interests to antagonise its new northern neighbour, particularly since (they hint darkly) Scotland could refuse to take on its share of the national debt. They are far too sanguine. If Scotland goes, the rest of Britain will be furious, both at the Scots and at their own leaders, who will be impelled to drive a hard bargain.
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Mr Salmond is on stronger ground when he argues that if Scotland does not leave Britain it might be dragged out of the EU against its will. This is indeed a danger, but in going independent Scotland would swap the possibility of an EU exit for a certain future as a small, vulnerable country. Its best hope of remaining influential is to stay put, and fight the Eurosceptics.
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TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。  y# q" b6 h: l" G
A lot to lose
; `" @# O0 C7 q  G+ i
) z. b. i7 E0 V, LIn the end the referendum will turn not on calculations of taxes and oil revenue, but on identity and power. The idea that Scots can shape their own destiny, both at the referendum and afterwards, is exhilarating. Yet Scotland already controls many of its own affairs (even if Mr Salmond’s Scottish National Party, which runs the devolved government and is driving the Yes campaign, has not done much with its powers so far). Moreover, as Westminster politicians of all stripes have hastily made clear, if Scotland votes No, the devolved administration will soon get so much clout that the practical difference between staying in the union and leaving it will narrow. That would also lead to the distribution of power away from Westminster and to other bits of Britain, which should have happened long ago.; X/ c& l. {- u# D2 {* K# W6 e! c
' R1 e7 [  Z9 }9 T7 c
So by staying in, Scots will not just save the union but enhance it, as they have for300 years. For the UK, with all its triumphs and eccentricities, belongs to Scots as much as it does to the English—even if increasing numbers of them seem ready to disown that glorious, hard-earned heritage, and to simplify their identities by stripping out one of those concentric rings. That goes against both the spirit of this fluid century—in which most people have multiple identities, whether of place, ethnicity or religion—and the evidence of the preceding three. For all its tensions and rivalries, and sometimes because of them, the history of the union shows that the Scots, Welsh, English and Northern Irish are stronger, more tolerant and more imaginative together than they would be apart.6 B6 n/ D& _$ C
2 }) k* b' @3 H$ k! Z
盧峯: 不一樣的帝國夕陽
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帝國解體及歐洲版圖重劃不是甚麼新鮮的事,最大規模的改變是一次大戰以後,幾個古老帝國,如奧匈帝國、鄂圖曼帝國、俄羅斯帝國解體或崩潰,歐洲面目全非,巴爾幹半島、東歐湧現大批新國家,波蘭、捷克斯洛伐克、南斯拉夫……tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb# Q% i) J, @$ N7 l2 F! h

( C6 ~$ D: l, V5 u' j: k公仔箱論壇
$ [( L8 ]( x" @; X, Q' rTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
" m* X9 a- E" |2 j7 w, E
下一次歐洲版圖大變動同樣是帝國瓦解的結果。這一回是紅色帝國:蘇聯。91年蘇共強硬派政變失敗,俄羅斯從後乘勢奪權,以地方包圍中央的方式架空蘇聯中央政府,並把實質權力下放到十五個加盟國,一些消失了的國家如立陶苑等三個波羅的海小國重新成為獨立國家,還有在歷史上沒有留過多少痕迹的國家如白俄羅斯、摩爾多瓦以至近期新聞多多的烏克蘭。除了前蘇聯以外,另一個特殊歷史產物──南斯拉夫到92年也無法維持,像蘇聯那樣,多個加盟共和國紛紛鬧獨立,更釀成血戰連場,死傷無數。公仔箱論壇2 l5 _( _) Z  B( F
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。. E( U3 z5 L( ^5 V; T
想不到的是,歐洲舊帝國分解的過程並未完結,曾是最輝煌的大英帝國也面對民族主義的衝擊,正面臨三百年來最大的憲制危機,可能被迫分解,只剩下英格蘭、威爾斯、北愛爾蘭,失去了蘇格蘭。由於在devolution(權力下放)過程中北愛爾蘭已取得不少自治權,再加上愛爾蘭不少人希望北部可跟南部統一,成為統一的愛爾蘭,未來聯合王國的疆界仍可能有變。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb; K: o$ G. A5 A5 z5 s
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。0 x9 Y! r( ~  E" |0 u

& j, v% Q' t8 Z" N- VTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
. C5 `2 u  x3 v- ]3 U- s0 k2 i公仔箱論壇* u! X* i( R# h0 \( Z0 W- s5 H6 H
郭濟士:專橫鐵娘子  為英國埋下蘇獨惡果
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英國專欄作家瓊斯(Owen Jones)這番話,堪稱非常扼要地點出了的當前蘇格蘭獨立問題的核心癥結——與其說這場獨立運動的根源,是文化差異又或數百年積怨,倒不如說那是由於倫敦政治建制勢力長期在蘇格蘭倒行逆施的結果,而當中禍首正是戴卓爾夫人。 
* x+ i1 o+ m" i! `. \" N

8 |" P8 V- s9 l9 t1 J; o% o/ v8 }tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
- @  A7 D1 H& a  A, p8 ewww2.tvboxnow.com管治10年  重挫蘇重工業
" E& S2 E! \2 u& I0 m! N

, b: l3 `% Y% dtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb蘇格蘭可說是最受戴卓爾夫人新自由主義經濟政策所衝擊的地區之一,BBC蘇格蘭政治記者布坎南(Raymond  Buchanan)便形容,戴卓爾夫人的十年管治,永久地改變了蘇格蘭。在她的雷厲風行改革措施下,蘇格蘭重工業遭到重挫,多間位於蘇格蘭的大型鋼鐵和鋁業國營工廠倒閉;此外,蘇格蘭也是戴卓爾夫人與礦工硬撼的重要戰場,1984年在當地爆發的礦工示威潮,便被形容為英國戰後最龐大的工運鬥爭,持續了1 年,然而結果還是敵不過戴卓爾夫人的鐵腕政策,成千上萬的蘇格蘭礦工最終失掉飯碗。
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' C. H6 I2 W3 }公仔箱論壇即使事隔25年,蘇格蘭各地礦工仍未有忘記這場悲壯的鬥爭,於2009年紛紛舉行紀念活動,足見戴卓爾夫人在當地所劃下的傷口是何等深刻。事實上,1981年,蘇格蘭格拉斯哥市的「無經濟活動人士」(economic inactivity people,即不僅失業也沒有積極搵工者),論數目在全英各地區中只排208位,但在戴卓爾夫人十年管治下情况嚴重惡化,竟急升至第10位,大批中等收入技術職位消失,由缺乏保障的低薪服務業職位所取代。 
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' _3 P  }: D- a+ {7 HTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。收的累退稅,代替原本的居住財產稅以幫補地方財政),令蘇格蘭普羅窮人首當其衝。雖然戴卓爾夫人最終因人頭稅在全國所惹來的反彈倒台,但就如前工黨議員 Dennis Canavan 所說,蘇格蘭人對戴卓爾主義的心惡痛絕,促使當地人決心爭取倫敦當局下放權力並成立蘇格蘭地方議會,捍衛自已的權益,並促成了新一代蘇格蘭民族主義政客的崛起、為今天的蘇格蘭獨立運動和公投埋下伏線。 保守黨回朝「如活外國統治下」
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