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[時事討論] 暗夜有聲 : 冷漠無知的內地年輕人

8 E+ g; h5 o2 ]1 U- l' j6 ?2 E5 a: H  }- F$ i8 L$ w4 ^/ e; N& }
為什麼說消息是「零零星星透過來」的?在此前的東網專欄中,我曾多次寫到過,香港的政治新聞,如「七一遊行」「六四燭光晚會」「佔中」「普選」和其他爭取民主的活動等等,早已成為中共宣傳管理系統(包括報紙和網絡)的一級敏感詞,遠遠超過「台獨」「民進黨」等過去傳統的政治敏感詞。對有關香港的消息,網絡及微博微信等社交媒體管控得極其嚴厲,刪帖者手起刀落,乾脆利落,非常之快。在網絡和社交媒體上看到比較及時和全面的香港消息,現在並不是那麼容易。中共相關機構在內部傳達時也多次表示,香港問題現在比台灣問題更嚴重,因為「背後有西方敵對勢力」在操控,「亡我之心不死」的英美等國要在香港這塊自由之地挑起「中國的顏色革命」。自然,以愚民和封鎖消息為己任的中共防火牆是不會讓「不能辨別是非」的民眾看到香港有關消息的。5 r! c+ v; J) j" i7 r. c
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* K3 d7 M4 A  n- {, O8 G" J2 H, l3 r6 O3 v: M  @: E( c3 n! p
, u$ V) R7 j% P' `8 dTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
5 S; s. l: g  j# H, M4 I$ ?& V2 [. R我曾試圖與其中一個年輕人討論:「如果今天香港人不反抗、不爭取,很可能若干年後,你到了香港去,上網也要翻牆;而香港人所能看到的報紙,都變成了人民日報。」他說:「黨並未封鎖你獲取信息的權力,你還可以翻牆,黨並沒有封殺你翻牆的權力。當然你獲取信息之後,並不表示你有大肆傳播這些信息的權力。」公仔箱論壇+ c3 C/ q/ i- I0 ?, d1 x

" S- G6 u. W% E( {$ C5 otvb now,tvbnow,bttvb我再次無言以對。我很想問他,自由地獲取信息本來就是每一個人應有的權利,我為什麼非要翻牆才能看,而且還要感激他沒有封殺我翻牆?事實上他們不是沒有封殺我翻牆,而是不斷地在阻撓、屏蔽各種網址,不斷地刪除、封鎖各種翻牆軟件。當然,我知道,在他多年來已經形成的始終為黨辯護的思維定勢中,和他說再多也是徒勞的,於是只好緘默。
+ L' x4 x' J( U$ F: j: |* b# s! W/ a公仔箱論壇TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。& d$ T; ?5 L/ O& s/ t
這是何其可怕的無知和冷漠。中國內地這樣無知和冷漠的年輕人也許不是全部,甚至不是大多數,但是,這至少表明,對這一部分人的啟蒙和重新教育,將是一個異常艱巨的任務、一次異常艱苦的過程。) O; R: r& @- `
, y1 _" m" Z) J/ j% o+ b
東步亮   時事評論員
本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2014-9-30 10:18 PM 編輯
3 ^; o' E6 w1 d$ u, A' T0 D公仔箱論壇公仔箱論壇4 P4 C$ c3 U* D
中國全面封鎖 Instagram
4 q! d8 n) G, {/ N8 L: h/ ]2 {公仔箱論壇3 m2 H% ~9 o. F4 V( M! r
公仔箱論壇) g# T. e) E8 @+ r0 T+ X
) x$ ?0 J$ L$ n( f+ A6 Y
繼早前微博過濾了佔領中環等字眼後,路透社今日報導指由昨日下午起,Instagram 已經於中國封閉,相信亦應該與今次香港公民運動事件有關。
6 C' n7 h2 v3 c0 {$ S; [公仔箱論壇公仔箱論壇3 Q; W- y( S! z2 W4 F0 V
據路透社消息指,包括紐約時報在內的記者發現,從昨日下午開始無法使用 Instagram 去觀看各種資訊及圖片。當時正值香港的公民運動發生期間,Instagram 上出現了大量香港警察向示威者發射催淚彈的照片及影片,估計有關方面是希望封鎖消息來源。
1 J5 Z. a) h+ P' u
& L- }7 B# p# G8 M此外,根據 blockedinchina 的消息指,Instagram 被封鎖的地區包括有北京及深圳等城市。不過 Instagram 暫時並未對今次事件作出回應。公仔箱論壇! d- G9 p9 L$ q* @4 k1 K

7 x* G$ r* m; _9 S來源:Reuters
  o% I9 n; h' s! L) f( T+ R/ G- A公仔箱論壇
# `& F" A& m/ r2 [tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb, \; ?. o2 I4 W6 a& ~* q
Instagram Dark in China for Many asHong Kong Protests Grow
3 |9 Q- n! s$ G, F+ Q- Ytvb now,tvbnow,bttvbwww2.tvboxnow.com+ c: K0 d% s2 s  `3 s) c+ H4 l  m
Sep 29, 2014        tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ U' k5 }  c* a/ K* Q% g% N

6 @. H; ~9 D) n% V, J8 ~( N  Uwww2.tvboxnow.com

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Police fired tear gas upon pro-democracy demonstrators near the Hong Kong government headquarters on September 28, 2014.Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb% t  t& E4 x+ H
Popular photo-sharing app Instagram is experiencing outages in mainland China,according to several Internet censorship tracking organizations, as Hong Kong police attempted to disperse democracy protesters there.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb8 |; h1 j4 W5 p% V. ~
www2.tvboxnow.com6 a1 z' g& L! P' G+ \0 i
The websites www.blockedinchina.net and viewdns.info said Instagram was blocked Monday, while Greatfire.org reported“contradictory” tests Monday and over the weekend. One Wall Street Journal staff member in Beijing found the app working in the morning, but later couldn’t load new photos. Others couldn’t use the app at all.4 o, c: H6 [# e& Q& Z* H! f# b
“We’re looking into it,” said Charlene Chian, a spokeswoman for Instagram’s parent company Facebook Inc.FB +0.29% Officials at China’s State Internet Information Office didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

6 b2 A. o6 U; B& A6 v公仔箱論壇
, u6 ^7 _1 @$ n* n公仔箱論壇The reports coincided with an escalation of the confrontation Sunday between police and pro-democracy protesters. Police used pepper spray and tear gas to disperse protesters. Students and other protesters have flooded the streets of Hong Kong in the weeks since Beijing’s decision on Aug. 31 to impose limits on how Hong Kong elects its leader.
8 h6 B0 U4 [) d  k4 y3 y  Y: ?www2.tvboxnow.com

! I$ _" \. ^( f9 V) Y  Utvb now,tvbnow,bttvbUsers have shared more than 7,700 pictures related to the protests on Instagram under thetag #occupycentral. A number of the photos show students wearing masks and carrying umbrellas while surrounded by clouds of gas. Many photos also showed a yellow ribbon, a symbol of the protests.
' h" d* }7 A, D$ L9 Q' y/ ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvb

( b$ }9 ~8 `) [1 P" SA blockage of Instagram would keep users in mainland China from accessing the photos, but would not affect Hong Kong and other countries.
5 x) h. m# C8 x( Z$ iwww2.tvboxnow.com
) r7 {! V7 r# M# u- T6 x3 S公仔箱論壇“Ins,” an abbreviation for Instagram, was the top trending topic on Chinese microblogging website Weibo on Monday, with many users in China reporting they could nolonger access photos on the app. However, some users later wrote they’d regained access. In a sign that the conversation stream might have been censored, there were few posts mentioning a possible linkage to the Hong Kong protests, with quite a few Weibo users writing they didn’t know why Instagram had suddenly stopped.
& p( _! F7 j3 Q; }! Itvb now,tvbnow,bttvb. ]5 [& u; @- T. n% p
Several news outlets in mainland China reported the Instagram outage, saying “the reason was unknown” and without mentioning the Hong Kong protests.
  B; ]; ?1 e4 P0 g
0 @4 ~0 V! e8 {6 T2 H+ N公仔箱論壇Temporary tightening of social media censorship is common in China during protests or other politically sensitive events, such as the recent 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown. Some western social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are blocked most of the time.
0 I2 r% w% }8 D2 ]8 S' }. n7 x公仔箱論壇
8 N! E# ^3 e1 o6 F1 l2 B' S公仔箱論壇China has tightened its grip on social media after Xi Jinping became president. The government has created a new committee to increase cybersecurity and has warned high-profile social media users against spreading rumors online.公仔箱論壇/ `8 \5 V$ B% ^9 Q! E: B

$ W$ |: G& {! ^2 r公仔箱論壇Mobile messaging apps Line and Kakao Talk, as well as Yahoo’s Flickr photo sharing service, reported outages in July shortly after a massive pro-democracy protest in Hong Kong that resulted in the arrest of more than 500.
4 R6 m* P8 G" f! w公仔箱論壇TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。: Q' c4 z3 b4 M% o. C& c  {# x
China also tightened restrictions on domestic messaging apps like We Chat in August,curbing the types of users allowed to post political news.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb" P6 g* T% ^6 d$ R' |* E

2 D$ w  h/ {/ h  d– Eva Douand  Newley Purnell. Follow Evaon Twitter @EvaDou公仔箱論壇. c9 Q3 c* ~/ ]2 U- \7 ]& R

# y& @  j8 |; z( iTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
本帖最後由 ktangnp 於 2014-10-2 05:21 AM 編輯
1 h( \! D8 f+ q+ X: G9 S9 G* s. L' p% B% h; A! T
2# maniac2000
7 `/ |2 w! h8 {% x7 Gtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ F  W- f/ }- R1 J- Z3 `* c
Totally agreed.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。7 i1 ?  l  y% |4 F9 T