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hard disk space 的問題

我買了一個2TB的hard disk,可是2tb的space只有1.81tbspace.不見了整100多gb
snoopytoo87 發表於 2009-10-16 02:31 AM
you said it's normal but can you explain why and where are the rest,thank you
本帖最後由 g.c.p 於 2009-10-18 06:15 PM 編輯
you said it's normal but can you explain why and where are the rest,thank you
(hard disk space) 2TB *1000/1024*1000/1024*1000/1024 = (total hard disk space) GB
i now tat is normal..but have any software can resize the harddisk space?
can make it more than 1.81tb free space?