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本帖最後由 jayyap 於 2009-10-25 04:03 PM 編輯
6 j% I! e. N4 C. j5 l6 W! n$ ^$ a7 s
6 R- @# r9 X0 Twww2.tvboxnow.comDon't just say your speed must let us know u use what package what is the price.....
5 F& l) q6 Q( J# awww2.tvboxnow.comI'm using the RM99 package bitcomet just can up to 180kbps......haiz公仔箱論壇8 ?" G/ i5 K, ^# |1 [  {
but some guy don't just let us see the speed if u not from malaysia pls let us know dont make us jealous
1# jerry87 1 [; ]+ W/ X2 F/ f( I
I just got 1 question to ask the Bitcomet 1.05 release at Sep 25, 2009...Why you can post your picture at 2008 November????