Examining what it takes to be NBA MVP 是什么铸成MVP

Basically,the average MVP is Charles Barkley, who won the award in 1993 with Phoenix. (Andrew D. Bernstein/NBAE via Getty Images)基本上,1993年得到MVP称号的效力于太阳队的查尔斯巴克利,是MVP称号评选的平均品质。
By Jared Wade
With Zach Lowe off until Jan. 3, some guest writers will be contributing. Jared Wade writes about the NBA at Both Teams Played Hard, 8 Points, 9 Seconds and Hardwood Paroxysm. He lives in New York, where he puts hot sauce on everything he eats. For all his hoops and hot sauce updates, check him out on here, here or here.
The 2010-11 regular season is more than a third of the way complete, meaning we can start to seriously debate who should win the MVP award. Of course, many pundits have been tracking the candidates since Day 1, and it is pretty easy to make a case for any of Dirk Nowitzki, Chris Paul, Deron Williams or LeBron James as the current front-runner. But now is the time when the larger themes of the year are solidifying and individual story arcs are taking shape.
Unfortunately, the criteria for the award are ambiguous, and many voters use different rationale for their selections. As always, however, history can be a guide. So before we try to prognosticate which guy will end up with the hardware, let’s look back at what exactly a typical NBA MVP looks like. 不幸的是,MVP评选的标准依然模糊不清,投票人用不同的理由来投票。像往常一样,历史会成为一个指导标准。所以在我们预测那个人会以硬件优势成为MVP之前,让我们先回顾一下往年MBA的MVP获得者的类型。
By examining past winners, we get a snapshot of the typical MVP: a 27-year-old, healthy big man who leads his team to 60 wins while scoring 25 points (on 51 percent shooting), grabbing 13 boards and handing out five assists per game. We are looking at Charles Barkley on the Suns, basically. And we certainly are not looking at Steve Nash on the Suns. 通过对往年MVP的研究,我们得到了一个典型的MVP的影像——27岁的健壮男人带着他的队赢了60场比赛其中平均每场个人得分25分(51%的命中率),每场13次篮下截球、5次助攻。我们看见了太阳队的查尔斯巴克利,而不是史蒂夫纳什。
Of the 28 players who have won an MVP, only seven have been guards. Such exclusivity also means that there’s one other factor that makes you more likely to win a trophy: already having one on your mantle. While 28 of the awards have been won by first-timers, the other 27 have gone to people who already had “MVP” on their resume. 在28位得到MVP的球员中,只有7位是后卫。这代表着另一个让你得到MVP称号的因素是——原来已经得到过这个奖。在这28人中,只有一个是个新人,MVP称号早就印在其他27人的简历上。
That said, here are the statistical averages, highs and lows that MVP recipients have posted during their winning campaigns. 这说明,根据统计结果,MVP获得者们的起起落落早在他们赢得比赛时就已经被公示了。
Average winning percentage: 72.3 percent 平均胜利比率:72.3%
Highest winning percentage: Michael Jordan, 87.8 percent (1995-96 Chicago Bulls, 72-10) 最高胜利比率:迈克尔乔丹,87.8%(1995-6芝加哥公牛队,72-10)
Lowest winning percentage: Bob Pettit, 45.8 percent (1955-56 St. Louis Hawks, 33-39) 最低胜利比率:鲍勃佩蒂特,45.8%(1955-56亚特兰大老鹰队,33-39)
If you want to be MVP, your team has to be good. Two guys have won despite playing on sub-.500 squads (Pettit and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar), but the majority of candidates need at least 50 wins to join the MVP conversation. But let’s be honest: A player shouldn’t get his hopes up even if he reaches 55 wins. Oddly enough, however, it’s relatively rare for a regular season MVP to lead his team to a title. That has only happened 21 out of 55 times, and only Tim Duncan (in 2002-03) and Shaquille O’Neal have done so this millennium. So let’s leave Dirk alone, OK? 如果你想成为MVP,你的队必须要优秀。2个人得到了MVP尽管胜利比率在50%以下,但是绝大多数的候选者至少赢得50次比赛次才会进入MVP评选的讨论中。人、不过老实的说,一个球员不一定得到他期望的结果,哪怕有55场胜利。说来也怪,这种情况在常规赛里带队赢得冠军的MVP身上很少出现。这只在55次冠军中出现21次,在本世纪只在蒂姆邓肯(在2002-03赛季)及赛奎尔奥尼尔身上出现。所以让我们把Dirk放到一边,好么?
Scoring average: 25.6 points per game 平均得分:每场25.6
Highest average: Wilt Chamberlain, 37.6 (1959-60) 最高平均得分:维尔特张伯伦37.6(1959-60)
Lowest average: Wes Unseld, 13.8 (1968-69) 最低平均得分:维斯昂塞尔德,13.8(1968-69)
Average offensive rating: 117 (since 1977-78) 平均进攻次数:117(1977-78)
Highest offensive rating: Magic Johnson, 126 (1989-90) 最高进攻次数:魔术师约翰逊126(1989-90)
Lowest offensive rating: Bill Walton, 105 (1977-78) 最低进攻次数:比尔沃尔顿,105(1977-78)
Only nine players have taken home MVPs while averaging fewer than 20 points. Considering that all nine of those went to either Bill Russell (five times), Nash (two times), Walton or Unseld, it’s safe to say that if you’re not a scorer, you better be transcendent in another facet of the game. As further evidence, 24 of the 55 trophies have gone to a player averaging at least 27 points. Pouring in points in a potent offense for a very good team seems to be the best way to get the attention of the voters.
Rebounding average: 13.0 rebounds per game 篮板:13.0每场
Highest average: Chamberlain, 27.0 (1959-60) 最高平均:张伯伦,27.0(1959-60)
Lowest average: Nash, 3.3 (2004-05) 最低平均:纳什,3.3(2004-05)
Average rebounding rate: 14.5 percent (since 1970-71) 平均篮板进球率:14.5%(从1970-71赛季)
Highest rebounding rate: Moses Malone, 23.2 percent (1978-79) 最高篮板进球率:摩西马龙23.2%(1978-79)
Lowest rebounding rate: Nash, 5.2 percent (2004-05) 最低篮板进球率:纳什,5.2%(2004-05)
The high rebounding stats show us two things: 1) Just how many big men have won the MVP award, and 2) just how many more rebounds there used to be in a typical NBA game. On the first point, only seven guards have won an MVP: Allen Iverson, Kobe Bryant, Jordan, Nash, Bob Cousy, Magic Johnson and Oscar Robertson. The rest have all gone to forwards and centers, with legitimate big men (meaning not guys like Larry Bird, LeBron and Julius Erving) taking home the hardware 35 times. Regarding the board availability question, you just need to look at how field-goal percentage has changed over the past 50 years. Not once did the league-average shooting percentage eclipse 45 percent before 1969-70. By contrast, the NBA went 20 straight years shooting above 46 percent from 1976-77 to 1995-96. More made shots means fewer rebounds for everyone.
高篮板命中统计告诉我们两件事:1、很多高个子得到MVP;2、典型的NBA比赛中需要多少篮板。在第一点中,只有7个后卫得到MVP:艾伦艾弗森、科比布莱特、乔丹、纳什、鲍勃库西、魔术师詹姆斯、奥斯卡罗布森。其他的都是前锋或者后卫,都是大个子(说明不是拉里伯德、勒布朗、朱利叶斯欧文一类的)得到了35次奖。如果 的你质疑记录的可行性,你可以看过去50年命中率的变化在1969-70赛季后45%的命中率黯然失色。相比之下,MBA在17976-77赛季到1995-96赛季20年间命中率平均为46%。高投球率代表每人身上的篮板更少了。
Assist average: 5.3 assists per game 平均助攻:5.3次每场
Highest average: Magic Johnson, 12.8 (1988-89) 最高平均助攻:魔术约翰逊,12.8(1988-89)
Lowest average: Moses Malone, 1.3 (1982-83) 最低平均助攻:摩西马龙,1.3(1982-83)
Average assist rate: 22.3 percent (since 1964-65) 平均助攻率:22.3% (从1964-65)
Highest assist rate: Nash, 49.2 percent (2004-05) 最高助攻率:纳什,49.2(2004-05)
Lowest assst rate: Moses Malone, 5.1 percent (1982-83) 最低助攻率:摩西马龙,5.1%(1982-83)
If your first name isn’t Earvin, Steve or Oscar, voters really don’t care for your unselfishness. Monta Ellis is smiling right now. 如果你不是欧文、史蒂芬或者奥斯卡,投票者不会对你仁慈。莫塔伊利斯马上会微笑。
Average Player Efficiency Rating (PER): 25.7 队员场上效率:25.7
Highest PER: (tie) LeBron James and Michael Jordan, 31.7 (2008-09 and 1987-88) 最高队员场上效率:勒布朗詹姆斯和迈克尔乔丹,31.7(2008-09和1987-88)
Lowest PER: Dave Cowens, 18.1 (1972-73) 最低队员场上效率:戴夫考恩斯,18.1(1972-73)
Average usage rate: 28.8 percent (since 1977-78) 平均使用率:28.8%(从1977-78赛季)
Highest usage rate: Iverson, 35.9 percent (2000-01) 最高使用率:艾弗森,35.9%(2000-01)
Lowest usage rate: Nash, 20.5 percent (2004-05) 最低使用率:纳什,20.5%(2004-05)
Average turnover rate: 12.7 percent 平均失误率:12.7%
Highest average turnover rate: Jordan, 7.7 percent (1997-98) 最高平均失误率:乔丹,7.7%(1997-98)
Lowest average turnover rate: Nash, 20.3 percent (2004-05) 最低平均失误率:纳什,20.3%(2004-05)
It’s no surprise that the typical MVP is a very efficient player who has the ball in his hands constantly. The most interesting thing found here was that Jordan has the four lowest turnover rates on record by an MVP. And he actually has five of the lowest six if you throw in his other MVP season. Only Dirk, by 0.01 percent, stands in Jordan’s way of having the bottom five. I’m sure that would really bother him if he cared or had ever heard of this stat. 毫无疑问,MVP的另一特点是有效率的控球球员。最有趣的是我们发现在MVP的记录上,乔丹有四个最低失误率。实际上在最低的六个中,他占了五个。只有迪克以0.01%之差在乔丹之后,成为最低的五个之一。我相信这真的让他十分困扰。
Average field-goal percentage: 50.6 percent 平均命中率:50.6%
Highest field-goal percentage: Chamberlain, 68.3 percent (1966-67) 最高平均命中率:张伯伦,68.3%(1996-67)
Lowest field-goal percentage: 库西, 37.8 percent (1956-57) 最低平均命中率:库西, 37.8%(1956-57)
Average three-point shooting percentage: 31.6 percent (since 1979-80, minimum one make) 平均三分球命中率:31.6%(从1979-80赛季,)
Highest three-point shooting percentage: Nash, 43.9 percent (2005-06) 最高三分球命中率:纳什,43.9%(2005-06)
Lowest three-point shooting percentage: Duncan, 10.0 percent (2001-02) 最低三分球命中率:邓肯,10%(2001-02)
Average free-throw percentage: 74.2 percent 平均罚球率:74.2%
Highest free-throw percentage: Nash, 92.1 percent (2005-06) 最高平均罚球率:纳什,92.1%(2005-06)
Lowest free-throw percentage: Chamberlain, 38.0 percent (1967-68) 最低平均罚球率:张伯伦,38%(1967-68)
The favoritism toward players who shoot a high field-goal percentage is a product of the award’s being so big man-centric as opposed to voters valuing long-range accuracy. Aside from Bird, Nash, Nowitzki and Bob McAdoo, not many great shooters have won an MVP. Guys like Kobe, Jordan, Karl Malone, Garnett and Duncan have been mid-range assassins at times, but being one isn’t a requirement. 进球率高的球员一般会被投票人偏爱些。但除纳什,诺维茨基和鲍勃麦克阿德之外,少有射手得到MVP。像科比、乔丹、卡尔马龙、加内特、邓肯这类中间值刺客,有时进球率不会被特别要求。
Average defensive rating: 99.5 (since 1973-74) 平均防守率:99.5%(从1973-74)
Best defensive rating: (tie) Abdul-Jabbar and Walton, 89 (1973-74 and 1977-78) 最佳平均防守率:阿卜杜拉贾巴尔和沃尔顿89%(1973-94和1977-78赛季)
Worst defensive rating: Nash, 111 (2004-05) 最差平均防守率:纳什,111%(2004-05)
Steals average: 1.5 (since 1973-74) 断球率:1.5%(1973-74)
Highest steals average: Jordan, 3.2 (1987-88) 最高断球率:乔丹,3.2%(1987-88)
Lowest steals average: Shaquille O’Neal, 0.5 (1999-2000) 最低断球率:赛奎尔奥尼尔,0.5%(1999-2000)
Blocks average: 1.6 (since 1973-74) 平均盖帽:1.6(从1973-74)
Highest blocks average: Abdul-Jabbar, 4.1 (1975-76) 最高场均盖帽:贾巴尔,4.1(1975-76)
Lowest blocks average: Nash, 0.1 (2004-05) 最低场均盖帽:纳什,0.1(2004-05)
Defensive stats are a poor way to measure how well someone plays defense, so these numbers are more trivial than illuminating. But, boy, MJ, Hakeem Olajuwon and David Robinson could sure fill up a defensive stat sheet. Just looking at the list of MVP winners, it seems like being a great defender certainly helps you acquire a trophy. Other than Bird, Magic, McAdoo, Nash, Nowitzki and Barkley, the winners by and large can lock people down.
Average age: 27.4 years old 平均年龄:27.4岁
Youngest: Unseld, 22 (1968-69) 最年轻的:昂塞尔德 22岁(1968-69)
Oldest: Karl Malone, 35 (1998-99) 最年老的:卡尔马龙,35岁 (1998-99) Only eight MVP trophies have been handed to players who were older than 30, and four of them were to either Jordan or Malone, both of whom were ageless freaks. Only 11 awards have been won by guys younger than 25. So you apparently want to balance being a battle-weary vet with not being geriatric. 只有8人次年过30的球员得到了MVP,其中的4人次不是乔丹就是马龙,他们都是不老的怪胎。只有11人次是在25岁之前获得。所以显而易见的,你可以看出这必须在年轻和年老之间找到一个平衡。
Average games played: 78.7 games* 赛季平均出场数:78.7
Fewest games played: Walton, 58 games (1977-78) 最少出场:沃尔顿,58场 (1977-78) Most games played: 82 games (on 19 occasions)
Average minutes per game: 39.8 场均出场时间:39.8
Fewest minutes per game: Walton, 33.3 (1977-78) 最少场均出场时间:沃尔顿,33.3 (1977-78) Most minutes per game: Chamberlain, 47.3 (1965-66) 最多场均出场时间:张伯伦,47.3 (1965-66)
Woody Allen said that 90 percent of success is just showing up. Turns out it’s a prerequisite of MVP candidates, because 49 of the 55 winners missed no more than four games. (Walton missed 24 in 1977-78, Iverson missed 11 in 2000-01, Cousy missed eight in 1956-57, Nash missed seven in 2004-05, Barkley missed six in 1992-93, Magic missed five in 1988-89 and LeBron missed five last season.) Walton is the only guy to win in a season during which he missed substantial time, once again showing why he — an oft-injured, low-scoring, pass-first big man who logged relatively few minutes — is the biggest MVP outlier the league has seen (with apologies to Nash). Sorry, Rajon Rondo. Maybe next year.
* this average of 79 games played is since the league adopted the 82-game schedule in 1967-68 and does not include Karl Malone’s 49 games played during the lockout-shortened 1998-99 season平均赛季出场79是在联盟在1967-68采取82场常规赛制后,且不包括卡尔马龙在1998-99 缩水赛季的49场。