Oh really? I was told that 3G ipad2 is unable to downgrade to 4.3.3...
I just bought an ipad2 64gb 3G, it comes with the OS 4.3.5 ver... am I able to downgrade it?
Please advice.. thx so much.
sicker 發表於 2011-8-21 01:57 PM  oh, you are out of luck, because you do not have old 4.3.3 SHSH save in TU, so that you are unable to downgrade.
Mine ipad2+3G+64GB was iOS 4.3.3 when i bought it but i accidentally update the version to iOS 4.3.5 after Apple release new version, but before i update i have save my old 4.3.3 SHSH using TU, so it can be downgrade to previous version after TU release latest version 5.00.09. |