農 委會茶業改場長廖慶樑說,大陸雲南出產的普洱 茶近年席捲香港、台灣,變成搶手的茶葉,但學者專家調查,普洱茶 因特殊製程、陳年儲藏環境等因素,使其總生菌數高的嚇人,必須煮沸才得以完全消滅,一般人 ...
chowold2 發表於 2011-9-19 02:40 AM  Thanks.
Just a joke, that means we drink bacteria or virus when we drink this tea. So, HK people always drink this tea to train up our body to adapt to different kind of bacteria or virus and so this tea is beneficial to our health. |