本帖最後由 kimmi8k 於 2011-12-4 09:51 PM 編輯 系啦,仲要是年尾,多多少少都会比年中忙,要关account, 算公司profit everything...
wasimasterQ 發表於 2011-12-4 09:15 PM  ah..so u the accounts controller, now i know y u so gd with figures n being thrift
one time when me n my friends were gossiping about who n who's boyfriend
n none of them want an accountant for a boyfriend
coz accountants they provide free consultation service to the home keeping, as well
and when they take u out on a date, they would utilized the best offer
not what that makes the gal happy d...
they are more good with figures then romance la....  
Ling Ling....u accountant too |