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I also use IE seems no problem with me.
First click 1 than you will see pic below. Click2. please.

dereklam 發表於 2011-12-11 03:38 AM
Robin Hood, tai lo come to the rescue oledi
Kimmi8 you have changed your icon so good Christmas cat
thank you very much
cck_my 發表於 2011-12-12 12:37 PM


bro cck, who house u rob to give so generously, the beautiful needy ladies...
bro cck, indeed the Robin Hood n Hero, to the weak n beautiful n needy...
vandas vandas vandas
haLO hALo Halooooo caro 434
I cant get you Kimmi, what is caro 434?
I cant get you Kimmi, what is caro 434?
vandas 發表於 2012-1-12 12:50 AM
member n friend upstairs....which bro cck has make a $$ donation
bro cck like robin hood at tvb la, always helping out the poor n lost
a guiding star to the newbies, n lone rangers who haven't made some friends yet
bro helping bro spirit..is bro cck motto..
Good afternoon Kimmi, now I see what you meant...bro cck like robin hood to most people. Totally agree !
Robin Hood always rob the people