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原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-5 08:00 AM 發表

回復 #856 woofy 的帖子

lalala, no joke ga i will put it on ga....u lei.....give me some good names and nobullshit u goto put it down
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-5 08:08 AM 發表
lalala, no joke ga i will put it on ga....u lei.....give me some good names and nobullshit u goto put it down
you don't even have $3 million yet.
talk later when you have 3 M  

回復 #858 woofy 的帖子

cher u runner........u run faster then ur dog haha.....3 million easy la!!!! think about it what name is better.......tell me la.........i am going to maek fun this time from the name for sure.....

if u don;t tell me i will open one like......我愛woofy 有限公司

so u tell me la.....if u don;t i will open one like that hahahaha........serious
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-5 08:13 AM 發表
cher u runner........u run faster then ur dog haha.....3 million easy la!!!! think about it what name is better.......tell me la.........i am going to maek fun this time from the name for sure.....

i ...
That's a great name!!!!
Lets just have that name as your company then!

回復 #860 woofy 的帖子

har....u big me.....!!!!!! u careful i will seriously open one like this...... 我愛woofy 有限公司
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-5 08:20 AM 發表
har....u big me.....!!!!!! u careful i will seriously open one like this...... 我愛woofy 有限公司
Don't believe you!!
I dare you!!  

回復 #862 woofy 的帖子

i am 100% serious ......if u agree this name and i don;t put it on i give away all my tvb$$$ and become a beggar.
I put all my $ in 港交所HKEx
hope it goes to max!!
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-5 08:31 AM 發表
i am 100% serious ......if u agree this name and i don;t put it on i give away all my tvb$$$ and become a beggar.
you can give your $ to me
I'll keep it for you....hahaha

回復 #865 woofy 的帖子

ok ar, u big me and u will see u don;t cry haha.......i will do it....i put mine all in as well.
I'm selling cuz it's max and i have to go to dinner!
see you later felix

回復 #867 woofy 的帖子

bye bye, eat with me next time la.
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-5 08:20 發表
har....u big me.....!!!!!! u careful i will seriously open one like this...... 我愛woofy 有限公司
Good name woo !!
I   the name !
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
keep your word felix !!!!!
waiting to see your company !!!