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回復 #1139 woofy 的帖子

christmas i work a lot, hope after christmas, i sit in the office eat banana again la.......dam people always have excuse to go off day, ill ill ill ill ill sick sick sick.....
why christmas people will be ill or sick lei?
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-8 01:30 PM 發表
christmas i work a lot, hope after christmas, i sit in the office eat banana again la.......dam people always have excuse to go off day, ill ill ill ill ill sick sick sick.....
why christmas people wi ...
lots of complaints from you today hahaha
funny when you are like this... too much coffee?

回復 #1142 woofy 的帖子

every tie like this ar ma...pick her up end up something like.eat pizza la, sing k la, play mah jong la...too many female ITEMS in the house so noisy!!! plus got to drop them off 3:00am no good..friday i almost day off la...weekend they mess up!!!!!!!!
nononono..i do not want to cook noodles for someone+ make tea or coffee.......i can work on a plane la!!!!!!!!

this sunday i dive water i go to watch.golden compass with my fiend.......
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-8 01:37 PM 發表
every tie like this ar ma...pick her up end up something like.eat pizza la, sing k la, play mah jong la...too many female ITEMS in the house so noisy!!! plus got to drop them off 3:00am no good..frida ...
I get it now, you don't like noisy stuff
you like to enjoy your time quietly
you know how to dive? what's golden compass?
I just finished my post to 華仔 ﹗﹗

回復 #1144 woofy 的帖子

the golden compass, film wor...  u can come with me i get u a big popcorn.sweet pop corn no salty ones.
the market is so quiet today ge !!:onion03:
即將于2007年12月在北美上映的好萊塢電影《黃金羅盤》(The Golden Compass)是一部改編自菲利普·普爾曼(PhilipPullman)系列小說《黑暗元素》(His DarkMaterials)三部曲第一部的電影,講述了一段扣人心弦的奇幻冒險故事。《黃金羅盤》是以在歐美地區廣獲好評的奇幻文學作品《黑暗元素首部曲:黃金羅盤》為題材改編,這部由PhilipPullman創作,在歐美銷量直逼J.K.羅琳的《哈利·波特》系列,但口碑更胜《哈利·波特》的文學作品,在歐美地區可說是得獎無數,甚至在2007年底還將由美國新線電影公司(NEW LINECINEMA)拍攝三部曲電影,分別是:《黃金羅盤》、《奧秘匕首》、《琥珀望遠鏡》,而第一部曲電影《黃金羅盤》預計2007年12月7日上映。

回復 #1147 bourget 的帖子

of course la........no one opull down stock, we all eat banana.....no one can earn decent money
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-8 01:43 PM 發表
the golden compass, film wor...  u can come with me i get u a big popcorn.sweet pop corn no salty ones.
what kind of film is that??
uk film?
who is 華仔?

回復 #1150 woofy 的帖子

uk ur head.......usa ar.
原帖由 bourget 於 2007-12-8 01:43 PM 發表
the market is so quiet today ge !!:onion03:
of course! because we are not playing anymore haha
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-8 01:46 PM 發表
uk ur head.......usa ar.
usa your tail
I'll go look it up at yahoo
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-8 01:45 PM 發表
who is 華仔?
canz ar !!!