本帖最後由 fls125 於 2012-4-1 09:46 PM 編輯 I never get my account freeze, but warning two or three times by 2 big mods. Then some points deductions.
Account freeze can unfreeze, if more serious case freeze IP address, then really...
SweetLemon 發表於 2012-4-1 09:33 PM  .. oh I see, then we must be more careful while we correspondence, fls try to browse all the T&C, if still don't understand will try to last source, pm them
.. In term of correspondence, most of you used 广东话 , sometime really have hard time for me, as well as writing .. need not worry, will growth with you all (learn a lot of fun fun things here )
.. well, another point of view, thanks for the information, appreciated, if fls not sure well consult you again.
... fls now look like this  |