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answer is..... 1tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb  z; @9 M5 @2 D) y# [
cos is Chinese 5 cut half = 5 then 10 cut half = 1 (must write in chines wording ha) hehe...
dunt know
是2,1\3=1\2*3\2=1\2*2*1\3, G" R$ E" V% f6 F4 H7 D7 W: ^
     10*1\3=2*5*1\2*1\3   if 5*1\2=3tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb# ?# N9 s0 i8 A7 E
see see
donno c answer
i think that will be 4
" B) w+ Y9 E5 F* x1 D公仔箱論壇if you list all the number from 1 to 10www2.tvboxnow.com' G( b' H5 o7 M' _+ Y
seperate them into 3 groups公仔箱論壇# i# y' n* l( `1 M5 |
from 1 to 4 has 2 numbers between them
1 K9 N1 \2 i+ ]' {from 4 to 7 has 2 numbers between them4 \1 P+ e. K1 L' c) f" q% ~
from 7 to 10 has 2 numbers between them
! i  y1 m) O+ v" b# r" n# w* A' w) Dwww2.tvboxnow.comso if you ask 1/3 of 10
) ?0 h+ g; N: X2 v; C4 cthat will be 4
2 is it?

回應 leezhao2000 第 2 篇文章
