獸醫師Leonardo Baez表示,自己從來沒有見過豪豬會對寵物展開這樣的恐怖攻擊。因為尚有一些刺還插在「貝拉」的皮膚裡,為了避免感染,還須繼續接受治療。而這次的經驗,應該也讓「貝拉」上了一課且永生難忘。

Ouch: Veterinarians say Bella Mae, a three-year-old Oklahoma bulldog, had 500 quills embedded in her face after a run-in with a porcupine

Trouble: Bella Mae was playing with other dogs near her owners' pond when she apparently got too close to a porcupine

Badly injured: The veterinarian who led the procedure said he had never seen a pet so badly attacked by a porcupine

Procedure: The veterinarians didn't count, but they estimate that they pulled 500 quills from Bella Mae's face, head, neck, chest and feet

Common threat: Porcupines are prevalent in Oklahoma and unwary pets often have run-ins with the slow-moving rodents

Lip service: Veterinarians has to pull back Bella Mae's jowls to remove some of the quills in her mouth, tongue and lips

Recovery: The lucky pooch is healing from the attack, though veterinarians are still keeping an eye on her |