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麥格Maige IP 電視 vs TVPAD?


我想問麥格Maige IP 電視有没有人用過?我係英國想買一部但想知可唔可以回看之前電視節目,因回家時以經是香港零晨一點幾。

I have a TVPad2 at the US. Using the app 粵海時移 (Cantonese channels time shifted), I was able to watch the HK night program at my local night time. Also, the other app 港粵快看 (Cantonese channels quick watch) has a collection of the latest entertainment news and drama series.
Of course, if you like to watch the live programs, you may use the 粵海寬頻 app.
2# chankinw
Thank you for mentioning the time difference, you were the first to mention it. While I know you can view dramas and entertainment programs on-demand instead of live stream, is that the same for Hong Kong news; does the news programs have on-demand too? Particularly TVB (or TVB-HD news)?

Also, can you shed any light on the new karaoke function? Does it include old singers from the '90s? Thanks for any help!
本帖最後由 n5097658 於 2013-6-19 03:24 PM 編輯

i have bought 麥格Maige IP 電視 around $2500.
麥格Maige IP 電視是直播, 有有線HD 足球台,tvb 高清 etc...

http://www.maige.tv/ for reference
我兩架都有,Tvpad 不用台費,但只支持72op,實在有點矇,Maige IP 毎年要台費,支持1080p,節目比Tvpad多,收費台也收得到,英超現場轉播也多選擇,我亦在英國,兩部機接收都很好,以經濟選Tvpad,以品質當然是Maige,希望能解答到你的疑問,祝好!
thank you