美國紐約有一名攝影師保羅(Paul Nathan),替狗狗拍了一系列的照片,一小時要價600美元。 為了替愛犬留下紀念、拍出最美麗的相片,參與拍攝的飼主各個花錢不手軟。

Rock n' roll: One dog poses for the camera wearing gold booties, a sequined dress, bright blue eyebrow attachments and a golden headband (left) while another models a metallic blue jacket and diamante tie

It's showtime: Paul Nathan, who photographed the dogs for his tome Couture Dogs of New York, said that he wasn't sure if they enjoy wearing clothes 'but they certainly don't seem unhappy'

Razzle dazzle: This little dog shows off a striking feather headpiece and metallic cape

Shae your tail feather: This canine sports an impressive peacock-inspired ensemble

She will go to the ball: This poodle strikes a pose in a silk dress complete with a flowing train

Theatrical touch: Mr Nathan said he met a large group of people who hold regular parties and events for their dogs while he was researching for his book

Matching looks: This dog lover coordinates her shoes with the trim of the jacket worn by her husky

Going to town: Over the course of 12 months Mr Nathan photographed numerous 'pawties', where owners would attend events with their dogs wearing matching fancy-dress

Helping a cause: A percentage of proceeds from the sale of Couture Dogs of New York, which is priced at $37.50, will benefit the Humane Society of New York - an animal shelter for dogs and cats |