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[問題] need some info..

Hi..everyone....公仔箱論壇) ]- ?" S, f( e. V% |
Any of you from Kota Kinabalu?
- E, N7 C6 [) g! c/ u( |  uwww2.tvboxnow.com  V% f8 _8 H5 O1 V8 s7 F* v+ Q
I am interested to find girl in KK...tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb. z' P; L, P9 u5 w7 a+ P) x% D* G
Any intro?
local or chinese....or any others but not from neighboring countries, bored of them already....
& ]. n( d4 [+ `  t1 L" u5 qPlease...Thank you.