貓貓早晨. 係咁架啦. 佢間酒店有工會, 做野按優先排, 邊個入去做先邊個有優先權. 如果啲老員工唔肯退休, 永遠唔會有新人入黎, 除非生意實在太忙, 會請臨時工. ...
pknoface 發表於 2016-2-4 11:12 AM  there was a defunct firm in my country destroyed by the unions. those veterans who make over $30/hour hire part-time workers to do their works paying the minimum wages. the veterans don't need to do anything and still earn $20/hour. at the end, the company defunct and those stupid veterans lost their jobs just because they came up with the worst idea ever. |