Bill Simmons on Lakers coming out of West
專家Bill Simmons預測西部列強排名,湖人名列榜首

Bill wrote anarticle on the teams in the West and who will come out. He listed the Lakers as#1.
ESPN: 1. LOS ANGELES (49-22)
ESPN:1. 洛杉磯湖人 (49勝22負)
Scouting report: This teamhas everything you’d ever conceivably want in a playoff contender — asuperstar, two more scoring options, a low-post player who has to bedouble-teamed, a shot blocker, multiple three-point shooters, a bench that canaffect games, a superior coaching staff, and most importantly, a scorer who’sgoing to get every borderline call in a close game because he’s Kobe Bryant …if they’re healthy and running on all cylinders, they have the highest ceilingof any playoff team … of course, we don’t know if they’re healthy yet, so allbets are off … they’re most vulnerable in round one as they’re working backBynum and Gasol into the rotation, which is what makes a potentialLakers-Warriors series so damned tantalizing.
觀察報告:這支球隊擁有每一樣你可以想象得到的一支強勁季後賽球隊所擁有的東西– 一個超級巨星,兩個以上的得分點,一個必須讓對手雙人包夾才能夠防得住的內線球員,一個不錯的蓋帽選手,一群神準的三分投手,一個可以影響比賽的替補球員,一個非常出色的教練,最重要的是湖人有一個可以在比賽比分緊咬的情況下,勇敢的去接每一個邊線開球繼而發動進攻的得分手,因為他是科比-布萊恩特...如果湖人對的球員都是健康的,沒有受到傷病困擾,配合默契的話,那麼他們就是聯盟最有高度,最具競爭力的季後賽球隊…當然,我們不知道他們是不是全部都健康,所以所有打賭暫時不算數…湖人對如果在季後賽第一輪碰到金州勇士,那將是一件令湖人很頭疼的事情,即便拜納姆和加索爾都歸隊,湖人也是最容易受到勇士狂轟濫炸的襲擊。
Biggest strength: Whetherthey win the title or not, it’s been a sincere pleasure as a basketball fan towatch Kobe tap into his talents, trust his teammates, pick his spots, forgetabout statistics and become the player we always wanted him to be. Whether hewins the MVP award or Chris Paul wins it, we haven’t seen two better individualseasons in the same year since Jordan and Barkley in 1993 … and if you throw inthe fact that LeBron is averaging an absurd 31-8-8 right now, you’d have to goback to Bird, Magic and M.J. in ‘88. Holy schmoley. Should I write the word“amazing” again? Probably not. This season has turned me into “The Bachelor.”
Biggest weakness: I knowhe’s been playing out of his mind lately, but I still don’t trust Lamar Odom.During regulation of Monday’s Warriors game, he went to the line in the finalfew seconds with a one-point lead, endured a few taunts andstanding-in-front-of-him maneuvers from Davis and Jackson … and eventually, hehad this weird smile on his face, almost like the smile a boxer gets rightbefore he’s about to get knocked out. Of course, he missed the first freethrow. Mark my words — there’s going to be at least one monster moment inApril, May or June when Odom has to come through in a humongous spot for theLakers. And he won’t.
– 湖人隊會經歷一些困境,奧多姆這個位置上會經受很多考驗,我敢說至少會有一段極為艱難險阻的時間出現在四月、五月或者是六月。
(Follow-up to that story: In that same game,the Lakers were up two with four seconds left in overtime when Kobe got fouled.Three interesting things here. First, none of the Warriors came within 10 feetof him. Second, he stared down all the Warriors around him, drained the firstfree throw and muttered “Game over, game over” to everyone who would listen.Third, he made the second one and that was that. The lesson, as always: It’sgood to have Kobe Bryant on your team.)
Biggest X-Factor: Bynum.Can he bounce back from the knee injury? Can he get back in shape in time? Willhe be able to effectively defend Shaq or Duncan in round two or round three?Every Lakers fan just stopped breathing for a few seconds.
Unsung Hero: SashaVujacic, quite possibly the league’s best bench player of anyone who plays 20minutes or less. He’s a feisty defender, he shoots 40-plus from three, he canguard anyone and play three positions, he’s a legitimate threat to get punchedin the face during the playoffs, and if that’s not enough, I’m almost positivethat he’s wearing some sort of hair net. We haven’t had aso-much-fun-to-hate-him playoff villain like this guy in eons. He’s like BruceBowen crossed with one of John Lithgow’s henchman in “Cliffhanger.”
Best-case opponents: NewOrleans, Denver or Utah.
Worst-case opponents: SanAntonio or Golden State.
Prediction: Athrowback Lakers-Celtics Finals will end up being the single best thing tohappen to the NBA in 10 years. And that’s an understatement.
Eventual 2007-08 Legacy: Put itthis way — I wouldn’t bet against the answer to this question being, “The yearKobe won the MVP and the title and earned his rightful place among the greatestplayers ever.” As always, stay tuned.
2007-2008賽季最有可能發生的事:就這樣說吧– 我不會為這個問題的答案去跟人打賭,“今年科比贏得MVP和總冠軍,在所有最偉大的球員中,科比得到了他應該得到的榮譽和對他個人價值的公正的評價。”讓我們放長雙眼,走著瞧吧。 |