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Gasol eyes on Wednesday return
Published by The Nuggeton March 26, 2008 in Articles.
來源: http://thelakersnation.com/blog/?p=2509

Lakers Blog: Pau Gasol was in thelocker room before the game, and the situation is basically as follows: Tryingto increase his activity on the ankle, he experienced a recurrence of theswelling. So no more activity. And keep in mind, “activity” doesn’t mean fullcourt scrimmages, mountain climbing, or touch football in the park. It’sanything that would be considered a step past total lack of motion. So Fridayis out, as is Sunday, and he’s aiming now for Wednesday against Portland.
Says Pau:
“I don’t enjoy sitting, and it’s frustrating. I like to be out there,and think we’re in a great spot and a great situation. That’s what it’s allabout. I’m thinking two more games and then we have the two days right afterthe Sunday game. Monday and Tuesday we don’t play, so it looks like Wednesdaycould be a reasonable date. I guess that’s what I have in mind right now.”
On Ronny, Gasol expressed confidence in Ronny Turiaf, who has done a goodjob in his absence. He did, however, mention that when Ronny is wide open, hemight want to shoot, instead of overpassing. Sage advice indeed.
至於圖里亞夫,在加索爾缺陣的這段時間里他表現非常好,加索爾表示對他很有信心。儘管,在提到圖里亞夫有空檔的時候,他是想射球而不是傳球。這的確是個明智的建議。 |