Lakers could have Nuggets on road to ruin 湖人将让掘金的客场之旅空手而归 翻译:genf,1,2673131.column

Evenwithout the distraction of their highway problems, Nuggets would behard-pressed to find an effective defensive strategy against Bryant,Gasol and the multifaceted Lakers.
Happily,little fazes the Denver Nuggets, whose Smoking Bus incident en route toStaples Center wasn't even their worst roadside mishap in the last week.
They'restill awaiting test results to see whether Carmelo Anthony was drivingwhile intoxicated when he was stopped in Denver, although Lakers fansskipped that part and started chanting "D-U-I!" at Melo in Game 1.
他们仍然在等待测试结果,以确认安东尼在丹佛被勒令停车时是否醉酒驾驶。而湖人的球迷则忽略这一细节,直接在第1场比赛中冲着安东尼喊“酒后驾车(Driving Under Influence)!”。
When Nuggets fans assail Kobe Bryant a lot louder than that in Denver, Lakers fans will think that's low-class. On the bright side, our sports make our ever-devolving political process look dignified. OK, boors, have a ball.)
Ofcourse, the Nuggets had worse problems than Lakers fans, like theactual Lakers, who ran up 128 points to make up for their lacklusterperformance.
Withtwo days off before Game 2, Coach George Karl took his team back toDenver, a wise move. Even if his merry band of revelers are overratedas gangstas, they could get in trouble on a religious retreat.
Now Karl just has the Lakers to worry about, which is quite enough.
Plan A was their Game 1 defense, loading up on Bryant and turning Pau Gasol into Wilt Chamberlain.
Got Plan B?
"Everyplayoff series kind of tells a story," Karl said after Sunday's game,"and tonight was the first chapter of that story. We will study thefilm.
"I think it's good that we have two days to put some pieces together."
Translated roughly, that was, "Help!"
With All-Star inside and outside threats, the Lakers pose a problem you don't see all the time.
The Showtime Lakers had it with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, James Worthy and Magic Johnson.
The '80s Celtics had it with Larry Bird, Kevin McHale and Robert Parish.
The2000-2002 Lakers had it with Shaquille O'Neal and Bryant, who were sodevastating, the ground seemed to tremble under them, on the court andoff.
There's a classic way to handle these teams: Hope they're in the other playoff bracket.
Rememberthe win that kept Dallas at No. 7 in the West on the last night of theregular season, when Dirk Nowitzki came right out and said he wasrelieved at not having to play the Lakers?
Guess who did?
"I'm not going to deny we were rooting to play New Orleans," Karl said. "We wanted the more inexperienced team."
Notto mention the younger, smaller, thinner team that can't pass the ballaround as the Lakers did Sunday, with Luke Walton being anothersuperior passer on the court with Bryant, Gasol and Lamar Odom.
Not that this is the second coming of Shaq and Kobe by any stretch of the imagination.
For one thing, Gasol and Odom together might make one of Shaq's thighs.
On the other hand, Kobe has no issues with either of them.
This season started with Bryant . . . how to put this . . . still upset about a lot of things before he began to notice Andrew Bynum's rise.
With defenses tracking Bryant, any time he and Bynum ran a pick-and-roll, Bynum was on his way to the hoop to dunk.
Thenafter Bynum went out, Bryant got the deluxe model: Gasol, who can doanything, play in the low post, face up, roll to the basket, fade forthe jump shot or find another teammate -- often Odom -- driving.
"Theone thing I saw when Gasol got here," Karl said, "was Kobe lighting uplike a light bulb 'cause he had a big guy he could throw all differentways to -- lobs, bounce passes, rolls, just throw the ball over so hecan dunk it. . . .
"He [Bryant] went from Bynum, who was going into that great place, and now he's got a guy better than Bynum."
Of course, Lakers fans know how close this came to blowing up instead, even if they are repressing the memory.
Thinkof the heartbreak in Denver, where Karl followed Bryant's off-season,trade demand by trade demand, waiting for the demise that never came.
"Iwas hoping they would trade Kobe," Karl said. "Unfortunately, thatkarma probably got them Gasol because probably 28 other teams werehoping the same thing.
"It's probably our fault because the basketball gods said, 'OK.' "
With some organizations it just seems to go that way, even if everyone in them is still pinching themselves.
PS:幽默的文章,绝妙的表达!特别喜欢这样的表达:大家都希望科比被交易,所以上帝说“就不让你们得逞”,于是加索尔来到湖人。即便很多人还固执地不愿意相信现实,现实还是现实。 |