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Which BT software is best ? 邊隻BT軟體最好用的?

Please let we all know which BT software is best ?邊隻BT軟體最好用的?
: G2 G6 s, Q7 O2 K# c) ^1 oThank you very much.
bitcomet 0.7
i also want to know.
yeah~~~www2.tvboxnow.com9 M0 f, U+ @6 n* A) ~8 A  W
maybe Xunlei and Bit Comet~~公仔箱論壇$ d1 w+ A  ^0 `. w( R3 A
Xunlei can download very fast, gets all the speed, the only bad thing about it is that when you're using xunlei to download, you can't really surf the web, well, very slow~~
bitcomet 0.72
anybody use BT Torrent? I think it is the best torrent downloader.
I use Bitcomet v1.03
Utorrent, very small, very fast
maybe Xunlei
i think thunder is quiet a good bt client lor...