Magic, Bird Rekindle Old Lakers vs. Celtics Rivalry 魔术师和伯德回忆昔日王朝对决

Hall-of-FamersMagic Johnson and Larry Bird sat down to discuss the glory days of theLeague’s oldest rivalry and to dissect this year’s retro-look NBAFinals.
From the jump hook to the “Memorial Day Massacre,” Magic Johnson and Larry Bird are walking ESPN Classic highlight reels.
Althoughneither Hall-of-Famer is afraid to talk about their once heatedbattles, there is nothing but respect these days between the twoall-time greats as the Lakers and Celtics prepare to reprise theirrivalry in this year’s NBA Finals.
“Every great franchise must go through down times,” said Magic. “Both franchises went through down times, but now they’re back.
“It’s great for the league, it’s great for basketball,” said Bird of the teams’ simultaneous returns to power.
WhileJohnson and Bird were two of the most transcendent players of theirgeneration, the former Laker said that he was completely oblivious atthe time as to the monumental impact he and Larry would have on today’sgame.
“Weprobably both didn’t know that we would jumpstart the NBA to what it istoday and that we would be able to play for two storied and historicalfranchises like Boston and LA.,” said Johnson.

Technicallyspeaking, 21 years have passed since the Lakers and Celtics last met inthe Finals, but Magic and Bird remember their captivating matchups asif it were yesterday.
“Itwas great to be in that hated rivalry for so many years,” said Magic,revealing that even though fans in Boston and L.A. despised each other,the players on the court always held the utmost respect for oneanother.
“He knows how to make other players better,” said Magic of Bird. “Today, nobody has surpassed him when it comes to that.”
Whilethe former players certainly fill several chapters of the NBA historybook, they’re quick to point out that their individual matchup paled incomparison to the original competition between Bill Russell vs. WiltChamberlain that paved the way for the league’s oldest rivalry.
“It’shard to call it a rivalry when you don’t win,” said Johnson of theearly Celtics domination over L.A. “Year after year, the Celtics keptbeating the Lakers. I think that it was an incredible series, but BillRussell kept winning. I always admired Bill and Wilt, but Bill wouldalways get the best of him.”
Forthat reason alone, Magic said that finally beating the mighty Celticsin the 1985 NBA Finals—the first time the Lakers had done so in ninetries—stands as his greatest accomplishment on the basketball floor.
Timelessbattles aside, both legends are eager for the attention to shift tothis year’s modern-day update of the storied rivalry.
“Thisis their stage,” said Magic. “It’s Kobe’s stage, it’s KG’ stage, it’sPierce’s stage, Ray Allen’s stage, it’s Gasol’s stage, and they willtake advantage of it.”
WithBryant the only member of that group with previous championshipexperience, Bird said that, “It’ll be interesting to see how theyperform. There’s going be a lot of pressure on them.”

AlthoughMagic proudly wore the purple and gold and Bird, the signature Bostongreen, both players agree on one thing: Lakers vs. Celtics is about asgood as it gets in sports.
“Eventhough names have changed, players and coaches, when you think aboutmost fans round the world, if you ask them what two teams they want tosee in the finals, they’d pick these two teams,” said Magic.
“Every games means something; there’s going to be a lot of highs and a lot of lows,” said Bird.
Whilethe two old rivals turned friends’ emotions have simmered somewhat inthe two-plus decades since Boston and L.A. last met on the NBA’sbiggest stage, there’s no doubt about who’ll they’ll be rooting forwhen the Finals tip off this Thursday.
自从两队最后一次在NBA的总决赛舞台碰面,已经过去21年之久,两名巨星也由往日的敌人发展为朋友,但是,毫无疑问,当今年的总决赛在本周四正式打响,他们还是会一如既往地支持各自的球队。 |