Gasolis another Laker who will probably demand more than just one man toslow him in the half court. He's especially hard to defend if he canknock down his jump shot, especially when the Celtic's big men willneed to race back in transition to pick him up quickly -- Gasol isexcellent in changing ends and getting great position early in theoffense.
The Celtics are breathing a sigh of relief now that Ray Allen'soffense has returned, and as a whole, the Celtics got big performancesfrom the big three. Allen, Pierce and Garnett all had standout games atdifferent times against the Pistons. Plus, Rondo's penetration helps tocreate for everyone. And to make matters even better for Boston, Perkins got hustle points and established position against a formidable Pistons front line.
凯尔特人终于等到了Ray Allen在进攻端贡献自己的三分了,至此,凯尔特人的三巨头合体终于实现.
在对阵活塞的系列赛中,三巨头中的两个适时发威,另外, Rondo的持球突破也为他的队友带来不少进攻良机.更要命的是Perkins在面对强大的活塞时也能在篮下卡到位置并抢到多次前场篮板.
No team in the NBA rotates and communicates defensively with the precision and consistency like the Celtics do. Boston'sleague-leading team defense overshadows the fact that each of theirstarters is a formidable individual defender. In this series, it willbe important to see which guys can guard their own man with minimalhelp.
This Bostonteam rises and falls with it's defense, and the Celtics have developeda pride, an intensity and a defensive mentality that can not only shutdown teams, but can carry them in stretches and keep them in games whentheir offense struggles.
Bothteams have playmakers and defensive talents coming off the bench. Andboth benches are good enough to carry a team to at least one win.

PG 控球后卫
Derek Fisher:
He's the steadying influence that L.A.needed to unseat the defending champs, even though he did not shootwell. This was somewhat of a surprise after scoring and shooting sowell against Utah.During the Spurs series, he averaged 6.2 ppg on 37.5 percent shooting.Fisher made up for it with solid defense and outstanding ballhandling,committing just two turnovers the entire series. He'll give up lots ofquickness to Rondo, but has long arms and a great sense of timing tocontest jump shots. If he can keep Rondo from stripping him ordeflecting his passes, the Lakers' offense has a real chance to be moreeffective than any team Boston has faced.
Derek Fisher:
Rajon Rondo:
TheCeltics have grown more comfortable with Rondo at the controls as hisconfidence and production have improved from series to series. In 20playoff games, Rondo has posted a 3:1 assist-to-turnover ratio, and hisability to push in transition and penetrate in the half court are keysto Boston'soffensive success. The continuing concern is his inability to knockdown open jump shots, as he has made only 10 of his past 35 attempts --shooting only 34.9 percent in the conference finals. On the defensiveend, he can create problems for the Lakers' guards with his defensivequickness.
Rajon Rondo:
凯尔特人从Rondo惊人的成长速度中获益良多.Rondo的自信以及持球能力也与日俱增.在20场比赛中,Rondo的助攻失误比是3:1 . 他的半场持球突破能力是波士顿进攻的必需品.不过他的空位投篮能力一直被人所担心.在东区决赛中他的命中率仅为34.9 既35投10中.在防守端他可以利用自己快速的移动来给湖人的后卫们制造不小的麻烦.