大家读下以下报道。。。Premier League - Fergie: Arsenal means more
Eurosport - Fri, 19 Sep 11:35:00 2008
ManchesterUnited manager Sir Alex Ferguson has insisted his team's clashes withChelsea will never carry as much meaning as those against Arsenal.

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Just two days before the Red Devils face Luiz FelipeScolari's in-form Blues at Stamford Bridge in a clash between mostpeople's Premier League title favourites, Ferguson has stoked the firesby claiming Chelsea cannot match the "history and quality" of theirLondon rivals.
The United boss' claim may come as a surpriseto the Chelsea hierarchy given it has been them who have fought Unitedfor the title for the previous four seasons - winning it forconsecutive years in 2005 and 2006.
But speaking at the LeagueManagers' Association's dinner for their Benevolent Trust and CommunityFund at Wembley, Ferguson said: "If you look back over the last 12 or13 years, who has it been? - Arsenal v Manchester United, ManchesterUnited v Arsenal.
"Of course we've got Chelsea at the moment,that's without question, but the history of Arsenal versus Manchestermeans that you're not just talking about winning a football match,you're talking about your own history against the other team's history.
"There'sa dominance attached to that. You want to be the dominant team and theywant to be the dominant team - and we've had some volatile matchesbecause of that.
"But you can't beat the history and the quality that both teams believe in, and the way they want to play has never changed."
Wenger agreed with his rival's assessment and claimed the Gunners' matches with United were always the acid test of his players.
"Itis usually the decider of the season - big games that tell you a lotabout your team. Will they be capable of winning the big matches?" hesaid.
"You go into the season with the feeling that you must win the big games, and the big game usually is Manchester United."
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