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回應 sailorjupiter 第 21 篇文章

u stay at Time Sqxxxx? that is a great place.. beside Time Sqxxxx ther got 1 apartment.. u always can see ppl stand by the entry.. the name last time "mid south sea" in chinese.. u can go n have a look.. ppl tel me ther price is a bit high but then if u wish to spend ur time at that spa then should b worth it.. if not mistaken is 200++ the MM ther also q ok de.. go have a look.. enjoy ur day at KL...

回應 4everMU 第 30 篇文章

haha,, sure lar.. they r looking for their profit.. is q a firgure even better then do business.. 1 MM 1 time she get 50 wor... 1 day how many times a? n she got a lot MM.. so she is q rich i think..

Thai Massage !!!

how come no ppl tell me wher got Good Thai Massage? original that 1.. this time i'm looking for a real massage.. wher is good recomended? last time i got 1 place in CheRxx... Sou Dou Zhxn... is really good place.. but then also got extra service but everytime i go i din take.. the Thai girl ther even young even good massage.. i do enjoy ther.. but now no more.. who can give me a nice place to go???
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原帖由 LGk 於 2008-10-1 02:25 AM 發表 TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。* W7 _1 X/ W9 C' v+ I
hi GNG ..just now i go to peaxxl hotel there have a look. really only have 3 girl only. some more i have to wait 20 minute then can see the girl leh. too bad. service not really nice.
公仔箱論壇9 C' _6 q2 R+ n4 n' [, ~

/ M- R6 A* f7 X9 u% o0 z: ~TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。哈哈,你要call那位angent booking 时间咯。那你就不用等待。。。等到欲火都降了就不爽了。。, 不然你就到SRI PETXXXX Hotel 那里选咯,都很靠近,好像同一个老板的。
原帖由 GNG 於 2008-10-1 02:09 AM 發表
$ S7 b2 e! P' z4 B+ Y公仔箱論壇haha,, sure lar.. they r looking for their profit.. is q a firgure even better then do business.. 1 MM 1 time she get 50 wor... 1 day how many times a? n she got a lot MM.. so she is q rich i think..
  s  C6 b' j/ d/ G6 i) K, x
+ V! m0 g$ A. {! o% otvb now,tvbnow,bttvb据我所猜测,我们花在MM身上的钱RM150来说, 有RM50是angent 抽的,剩下的就是MM的咯。但是,不好忘记,MM当天的房间租钱还要和她agent分一半。如果那天MM不好彩的话一天都没客人,都要亏掉房钱咯。
原帖由 GNG 於 2008-10-1 02:12 AM 發表 ; y* N, |  U! @7 B5 r% K% G$ h
how come no ppl tell me wher got Good Thai Massage? original that 1.. this time i'm looking for a real massage.. wher is good recomended? last time i got 1 place in CheRxx... Sou Dou Zhxn... is really ...
公仔箱論壇% }" k, L* l7 J7 ?7 |! P
公仔箱論壇4 Z9 ~( Z/ z  ]" t) b; `: b
如果要正宗泰式按摩,可以去odxxx,它有很多分行的,通常是坐落在shooping complex里面的。" g9 a9 O) b. s$ m  U  A
原帖由 LGk 於 2008-10-1 02:25 AM 發表
# r/ Z- m  C' _TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。hi GNG ..just now i go to peaxxl hotel there have a look. really only have 3 girl only. some more i have to wait 20 minute then can see the girl leh. too bad. service not really nice.
公仔箱論壇' E" l6 W7 w' U1 Z, V$ K
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ b! F0 _+ ~6 [) |9 s
原帖由 silentguy 於 2008-10-1 03:06 AM 發表 TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。% i( m/ a" B+ I

" t/ j5 @: k/ o5 N: _www2.tvboxnow.com
$ p9 u9 a& q% s7 w$ ]! R据我所猜测,我们花在MM身上的钱RM150来说, 有RM50是angent 抽的,剩下的就是MM的咯。但是,不好忘记,MM当天的房间租钱还要和她agent分一半。如果那天MM不好彩的话一天都没客人,都要亏掉房钱咯。 ...
www2.tvboxnow.com1 P+ t7 u6 ?" L" o2 k; v. q

. ]" z3 G6 N' W4 q多数MM收到的钱都是平分或者6/4来分等等
5 H+ \. i, \3 M$ F6 M6 {& P7 W
原帖由 GNG 於 2008-9-30 10:27 PM 發表 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb& C% K, }6 x9 D) w9 \. f7 K8 @+ ]
Mxx Vxxxxx Citixxx ther spa i been ther 2 weeks ago.. if who wan to go ther wan to spend more.. the price ther is normal 218... i call that 1 red band... 238... her name Diamond.. very pretty... n big ...
7 L) I1 w  t, N$ yTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
/ t) t# h: w( F/ @7 t( ~公仔箱論壇hi fre, good information, can share out "rong jie"'s contact to me?
! t# R  D6 i% P8 H3 q2 j& g/ Vthe Mxx Vxxxxx Citixxx spa nedd some agent introducer? get any contact?

回應 4everMU 第 39 篇文章

that's y i said.. not everytimes also got new n pretty girl come over 1.. some even take tourist visa come over to work for 3 weeks only... i got meet 1 MM before.. she is just 19 years old only.. wan xx also pity... the MM at this 2 hotel Ma Ma dei lor.. coz cheap mar... but if got pretty n good service 1 come over... everybody got to take chance to good with them... may b got extra service.. haha... my friend do sleep over with 1 of the MM before.. sleep with her whole night at her hotel room for FOC !!! haaha... this need little bit investment n time.. haha...

回應 LGk 第 35 篇文章

really? what is the  name? in between of the 3 MM got all average? ko dak hue? TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。7 s- W: d2 Y" G, F) c5 y
what is the MM name tell me i call to complaint... after complaint got discount 1.. next time go can say.. then Rong Jie give discount.. haha...

回應 LGk 第 34 篇文章

dear LGK....
6 ?2 a  D: A- d4 v, F! c2 uwww2.tvboxnow.comcan let me know what is the Thai Massage centre name? what is the shop name? ther got a lot le..

Good News !!!

every Kaki,
$ G( C; S/ f. m$ J) @! mi got a good news... got new MM come over d.. just get this news this morning then tell member here d.. hahah... the girls now stay at Sunwxx Hotel.. got 1 i meet before.. i give some comment lar.. pretty=75%... body= 90%... freindly= 50%... but she is a bit old.. around 30+... long time never meet her d.. now dunno got change or not.. last time do knock door at Citixxx 1... got a bit age 1 got experience.. who wan her contact can message me....