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原帖由 00-00-00 於 2009-1-8 02:03 AM 發表

你没有留意家族成员的吗 ?他是其中一位最早期加入本家族的活跃分子。不过最近他很忙,所以少上来了
原帖由 zukiroy 於 2009-1-8 02:02 AM 發表

hoho~~befor 00-00-00 come back i will not always show up in here hahaha~
how can you 潜水啊。 you are family head
原帖由 jnc3688 於 2009-1-8 02:03 AM 發表

u want always hide behind
always hide behind you la~

回應 00-00-00 第 2319 篇文章

after jnc3688 show up i will show up too hahaha~
原帖由 zukiroy 於 2009-1-8 02:05 AM 發表

always hide behind you la~
eeee........ 我才不要你在我后面。
原帖由 zukiroy 於 2009-1-8 02:06 AM 發表
after jnc3688 show up i will show up too hahaha~
both of you just take care the family. i will hire spy to check what you all did
don't be 怕~

you will get use to~~
原帖由 00-00-00 於 2009-1-8 02:08 AM 發表

both of you just take care the family. i will hire spy to check what you all did
原帖由 00-00-00 於 2009-1-8 02:08 AM 發表

both of you just take care the family. i will hire spy to check what you all did


[ 本帖最後由 jnc3688 於 2009-1-8 02:13 AM 編輯 ]
原帖由 jnc3688 於 2009-1-8 02:11 AM 發表


you have to help me 守门口 too~~
原帖由 zukiroy 於 2009-1-8 02:13 AM 發表

you have to help me 守门口 too~~
ok la, i am going to sleep lor. the plan will be on after i wake up.
原帖由 zukiroy 於 2009-1-8 02:13 AM 發表

you have to help me 守门口 too~~
原帖由 00-00-00 於 2009-1-8 02:15 AM 發表

ok la, i am going to sleep lor. the plan will be on after i wake up.
ok i'm waiting to see it

good night~
原帖由 00-00-00 於 2009-1-8 02:15 AM 發表

ok la, i am going to sleep lor. the plan will be on after i wake up.
原帖由 jnc3688 於 2009-1-8 02:16 AM 發表

but my pic is a girl~

your pic is a dog~

the top didn't show wor~

[ 本帖最後由 zukiroy 於 2009-1-8 02:22 AM 編輯 ]