I can trade out Leborn & Kidd to you, but I need you wire me 1 billion TVB$$ b4 send me the trade proposal
here is my idea on the trade Proposal,
I giving out Lebron, Kidd, & Bibby (if chem rejected my counter trade), Barbosa is the backup for Bibby, if chem accepted.
or if you don't bibby or barbosa, I give you Nene, he is the best Center in the legend, FG & FT % is super high,
You don't need give me CP3,
You need to giving me.
Hamilton, David Lee, & Kevin Martin.
I am going to refund 1/2 billion if any owner REJECT this trades.
wire me the money, & send me the proposal, if you think it's worth.
100000000 = 1 billion
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