Rally賽車手Darren Pool和導航員ChrisBeer真的是福大命大。他們在一場Rally賽中正以每小時180公里的速度狂飆,在一個右轉彎後車尾甩出道路碰到崎嶇的路面,結果整輛車直接騰空飛起翻滾,轉了幾圏後車子在空中解體,,然後翻倒在道路上。從照片和影片中你可以看到駕駛員的頭盔飛出車外,甚至連手臂也伸出窗外,當車子結束翻滾後救援人員擔心Darren Pool和Chris Beer己經死亡,不過還好車子的安全結構做的不錯,他們二個都活下來了。
Darren Pool回憶說:我感覺車車滑出賽道掉在一條溝裡,然後車子彈起開始翻滾,經過幾次推擠碰撞我的頭盔被扯下,並在某段時間我的手和腿被甩出窗外。我想我們只翻滾了幾秒鐘,但感覺好像滾了10分鐘。

This is the moment a rally driverhad an astonishing escape after his car flipped through the air withsuch force it ripped off his crash helmet.
DarrenPool, 35, was travelling at 115mph when a gust of strong wind caughtthe side of his Talbot Sunbeam as it went over a small jump.
Thecar flipped five times on its side and twice end-over-end and at onepoint his crash helmet was seen flying out of the car window.
Close thing: Darren Pool's crash helmet fliesthrough the window as he and co-driver Chris Beer crash their TalbotSunbeam during the Welsh Rally
One of Darren's arms can be seen dangling out of the window and the whole ordeal was watched by his horrified family.
Thebattered car eventually came to a halt 150 yards from the tracks andrescuers feared he and co-driver Chris Beer, 37, had been killed.
But Darren suffered only minor cuts and Chris escaped with bruises to his face.
Both men were airlifted to hospital but have now been released following the horror smash at the RDP Welsh Rally Epynt in Wales.
Father-of-one Darren, a mechanic from Exeter, spoke of the moment he lost control of the car.
Hesaid: 'I was going over a jump I'd done about 25 times before but thistime for some reason we lost our line while we were in the air.
Scroll down to view the miracle roll in action...
Close thing: Darren's arm can be seen out of the window of the spinning car
'There was a gust of wind and we realised we were coming down all wrong and were going to land off the track.
'Thecar landed in a ditch and just started rolling over and over. After afew rolls my helmet was ripped off my head and at one stage my arms andlegs were hanging out of the window.
'Youhave a very short time to react - it was very scary. It felt like wewere in a tumble drier, although it was a bit of a blur really.
'I would guess we were only rolling for a couple of seconds but it felt like ten minutes.
'Thebend where it happened is very accessible to spectators and it makes iteven worse to know the family were watching 30 yards to the side.
'Dad came running over and said he was fearing the worst when he saw me. He really thought I was dead.'
The Talbot Sunbeam driven by Darren Pool and co-driver Chris Bee seconds before it was involved in the spectacular crash
Darren and Chris both lost consciousness momentarily before being removed from the car and flown to hospital to be checked over.
They were later released with just bruises after the crash at 9.30am on Sunday.
Chris,also a mechanic, said he felt 'lucky to be alive' after medics told himthe force of the rolling car had forced his internal organs upwards andnearly ripped his eyes out of his head.
He said: 'It feels like I've been in the ring with Mike Tyson. But I also feel very lucky to be alive.
'After the crash I knew I had been in a serious accident and I was just relieved my arms and legs were still attached.
'Whenit happened we had just been congratulating each other on how well wehad done on the first stage of the race - as we were lying in 6thplace.'
The pair,who are both amateur drivers, know each other because Darren's wifeVictoria, 34, is the sister of Chris's fiancie Carol, 35.
Darren's £20,000 car was written off in what was the first accident either had been involved in on the track. |