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Thanks for sharing
7 e4 k4 g( z4 [* p% E终于都结局了...又要等到几时才可以见到木村大神呢 T.T
looks good Japan TV drama.. thanks n support
thank you
thanks for sharing the end episode.
( P) A" y' k  R* c% x: O+ L! halthough much of them comment that the story a bit not in logic,
9 V5 T3 b1 V& s$ T6 W/ g/ eI like the way 木村拓哉 acts
3 b( t7 V, M! B- f: ?6 f& @tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbAnd the drama do made me know more about my brain.www2.tvboxnow.com1 q' }4 e4 P: [: \! B' L  a, Y: r6 E
The mysterious part of human body.
thz 大大!!!
I appreciate your posting the new episode of this great drama.
thank you so much
may be the best drama this year so far...................6 C7 N  _& q7 C7 Y. ^+ c
Thanks a lot.  
Thank you for sharing...