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15, lasted only a week during summer... very sad...
16 year old
i start on 17 and we been together for 7 years
( h+ |" x3 O" r$ gi love her so much
# x* ^1 g4 A0 x8 F$ g* ftvb now,tvbnow,bttvbbe cos of her parent dislike me so we cant be together liao
17 lor;))
22... and broke up already :(
8 years old summer holiday, and my girl friend also 8, she lived next door, then she left with her mum to the US, she looked back to say "I like you very much.  I'll come back to find you"..................( w, H5 }/ g3 Y0 N
She came back 15 years later to the same place to look for me, but I was moved, and............
" ]: y) a* K* a! G6 d! C2 _$ q公仔箱論壇then we met in the church but we didn't recognize each other..........www2.tvboxnow.com% z: K% K" n. F; N
and she got married and went back to the US...........
( p3 J4 q" w$ `! g2 land 10 years later she came back and we met...............and found that out accidentally............it's 30years, my first love.
$ P( O! |5 {) v* ?; M公仔箱論壇唔記得啦喎...
10几岁既初恋,但系无开花结果www2.tvboxnow.com0 H9 R5 r5 A- C7 G/ d
www2.tvboxnow.com  m8 U! W% g+ C