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最新現役五十強球員排座次: 科比-布萊恩特, 第2位【SLAM Online】

SLAM Online Top 50: Kobe Bryant, No.2
現役五十強球員排座次: 科比-布萊恩特, 第2位
The definitive ranking of NBA's the best players.
作者: Ryan Jones
翻譯: Derek
http://www.slamonline.com/online ... 0-kobe-bryant-no-2/

…inwhich we discuss Kobe Bryant’s greatness, through the words andopinions and clever turns of phrase of men who never heard of KobeBryant, because they’re dead, and mostly have been since long beforebasketball was a thing that existed; but, as these were clearly smartand opinionated guys, and as some of the smarter and more opinionatedguys I’ve met in my life watch basketball, this method of observingKobe Bryant’s greatness seems right and just, if not in fact infallible.
The fact that their definitions of greatness differ wildly is beside the point. And at least half the fun.
And:Because no matter how tedious this might turn out, writing about thethings Kobe has done and still can do on the basketball court would beinfinitely more tedious. You know. You’ve seen it. There are no secrets. There is nothing left to know.
Plus, quotes from famous dead guys fill space.
“It is true greatness to have in one the frailty of a man and the security of a god.” —Lucius Annaeus Seneca
What Lou Seems to be Saying: Thatwe humans are defined by our faults and weaknesses, and that thoseamong us who rise to places of prominence and accomplish significantthings do so with an almost super-human confidence that defies the veryfaults and weaknesses that define us. This is as close as any of uswill ever get to immortality.
Accuracy as a Des-c-r-i-p-tion of Kobe Bryant’s Greatness: 124%
“Goodness does not consist in greatness, but greatness in goodness.” —Athenaeus
What Athenaeus Seems to be Saying: Admitting that he’s a socialist pansy is what.
Perhapsthat’s harsh. Regardless, having watched Kobe adopt hisfocused-guy/meanie face en route to leading a team that was finally,indisputable histo the NBA title last season, it seems he has lifted one more taintedpage from MJ’s book. And it worked, so why not? He’s got the offseasonto be “good.” The season is for motherf*cking your way to the LarryO’Brien.
Accuracy as a Des-c-r-i-p-tion of Kobe Bryant’s Greatness: 17%
“Great and good are seldom the same man.” —Winston Churchill
What Winston Seems to be Saying: Athenaeus was a chump.
Accuracy as a Des-c-r-i-p-tion of Kobe Bryant’s Greatness: Exactly 50%
“Great men never make bad use of their superiority. They see it and feel it and are not less modest.” —Jean Jacques Rousseau
What Jean Jacques Seems to be Saying: That he was Swiss, and as such, doesn’t know sh*t about the art of war or the game of basketball.
Accuracy as a Des-c-r-i-p-tion of Kobe Bryant’s Greatness: 8%
“You will become as small as your controlling desire; as great as your dominant aspiration.” —James Allen
What Jim Seems to be Saying: Keep it in your pants, dummy.
Accuracy as a Des-c-r-i-p-tion of Kobe Bryant’s Greatness: 91%
“Theherd seek out the great, not for their sake, but for their influence;and the great welcome them out of vanity or need.” —Napoleon Bonaparte
What Napoleon Seems to be Saying: Ridingor dying with a guy you’ve never met and probably never will, and whomostly likely wouldn’t give a sh*t about you if you did, is stupid. Assuch, this reflects more on the herd than the great one, and theindividual in question can only be blamed so much. Especially if he’sgot a Nike deal. Herds buy shoes, too.
Accuracy as a Des-c-r-i-p-tion of Kobe Bryant’s Greatness: 63% (Note: Accuracy as a Des-c-r-i-p-tion of LeBron James’ Greatness: 64%)
“No one ever became great by imitation.” —Samuel Johnson
What Sam Seems to be Saying: “Be Like Mike” was just a marketing slogan. You weren’t actually supposed to try.
That said, if you manage to pull it off…
Accuracy as a Des-c-r-i-p-tion of Kobe Bryant’s Greatness: 2%
“He is great who is what he is from nature, and who never reminds us of others.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
What Ralph Seems to be Saying: Pretty much what Sam Johnson was saying a minute ago.
Accuracy as a Des-c-r-i-p-tion of Kobe Bryant’s Greatness: 1.9%
愛默生仿佛要說的是:跟Sam Johnson一分鐘之前說的話的意思幾乎一樣。
“To be great is to be misunderstood.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
What Ralph Seems to be Saying: Ithink I’m paraphrasing Russ (though he may have been paraphrasing meparaphrasing him first), but I don’t think Kobe even understands Kobe.
Accuracy as a Des-c-r-i-p-tion of Kobe Bryant’s Greatness: 439%
“No great man ever complains of want of opportunity.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
What Ralph Seems to be Saying: Nobody likes a whiner.
Accuracy as a Des-c-r-i-p-tion of Kobe Bryant’s Greatness: –99%
“A great thing can only be done by a great person. And they do it without effort.” —John Ruskin
What John Seems to be Saying: Assuming he means the great ones make it look easy…
Accuracy as a Des-c-r-i-p-tion of Kobe Bryant’s Greatness: 87%
“Thereis a great man who makes every man feel small. But the real great manis the man who makes every man feel great.” —Gilbert Keith Chesterton
What Gil Seems to be Saying: This is probably why LeBron got more votes than you.
Accuracy as a Des-c-r-i-p-tion of Kobe Bryant’s Greatness: 99.8%
The lesson? Greatness is hard to define. And so is Kobe.
Thanks for your time. Feedback, as always, is welcome.
PS:對於KOBE的成就, 他的偉大, 他的一切一切已經無需多說了, 在最強者的面前, 所有的言語都顯得蒼白了. KB上賽季帶領湖人奪下了總冠軍,自己也拿下了總決賽MVP, 時隔7年親自帶領湖人奪冠的心情不言而喻. KB從出道以來就是飽受爭議和誤解, 大思想家愛默生的名言說的好 [To be GREAT is to be MISUNDERSTOOD]. 確實天才是寂寞的, 偉大的人在光環的背後是註定要承受誤解, 有多少人喜歡你, 就有多少人恨你. 不過怎麼說, 我們每一個KB迷, 湖人迷最期盼的還是下賽季衛冕成功, 別的不多說了, 總之天佑湖人, 衛冕成功 !!! |
洛杉磯湖人俱樂部 / 如果人間有未來,一定是綠色的。 |