【頭條】加索爾最新傷情報告【PE, L.A. Times】
Latest News on Gasol's Injury
來自: PE, L.A. Times
翻譯: Derek

We’ll wait for the official MRI results, but here is a small tidbit regarding initial diagnoses on Pau’s hamstring injury:
Although Jackson continues to insist he’s not worried about Gasol’sinjury, for the first time he spoke with some urgency in his voice. Jackson said the initial diagnosis suggested that it would take six weeks for Gasol’s hamstring to fully heal, but the Lakers cannot afford to wait another three weeks to get their big man back.
http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/ ... -his-hamstring.html
L.A. Times:Lakers forward Pau Gasol underwent a sonogram that showed a possibletear in his right hamstring, and he is not expected to play on theteam’s upcoming two-game road trip, the team said.
洛杉磯時報: 湖人隊前鋒加索爾做了一次超聲波檢查,結果顯示他的右腿拉傷的肌腱可能有撕裂,球隊方面表示加索爾將不會在接著下來的客場背靠背比賽中上陣。
Gasol also had a more complex MRI exam today on his hamstring, and those results will be known by Tuesday.
Gasol is traveling with the Lakers fortheir games in Oklahoma City on Tuesday and in Houston on Wednesday butwill not play. “We don’t expect him to play on this trip,” Lakersspokesman John Black said.
Gasol, a two-time All-Star, has missed all three of the Lakers’ regular season games and their last six exhibition games.