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[貼圖] 天鹅湖

看它們好像很有家庭觀念, 就像我們中国人一樣.

不過講開又講, 我地中国人咁胃食, 見到咁大隻肥鹅, 就會想起以前深井嗰間, 或者是中環嗰間鏞記的招牌名菜.

They weren't too shy when we found them.
But I think the loaf of bread we brought along helped. We threw the bread in the water as they tried to swim away from us. And it worked.

By the way, it wasn't a super-tele as you suggested. It was the 80-200mm on a full frame so there was no multiplier effect.

Here's another couple I'd like to share.

I took those last fall in a lake in Connecticut, a few miles from where I live.
