lilitan008 當前離線
, Are you saying he is too 流风, He is the man, men like that. But he looks too乸 chowold2 發表於 2011-2-20 12:32 AM
not 80 meh? SweetLemon 發表於 2011-2-20 06:44 PM
sorry, i mean it is for 70 years ppl song..... 70 years people listen to 大戲,周旋,nat kingcole, Frank Sinatra....but I listen too... SweetLemon 發表於 2011-2-20 07:12 PM
我係民國69年出世....但我聽justin bieber's 歌~ zzleezz 發表於 2011-2-20 08:02 PM
Lb-wtHXlzBQ SweetLemon 發表於 2011-2-20 08:09 PM
babi babi babi oh~ zzleezz 發表於 2011-2-20 08:27 PM