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now everyone knows
blueocean 發表於 2011-3-31 11:23 PM
Don't worry I will keep their mouth shut.
Lemon, easy I take car of her. Nobody will say anything if you pay more 掩口費
Lilitan who is that 靚女?
izzit who r here will get 掩口費 ?
lilitan008 發表於 2011-3-31 11:35 PM
Of course
又要返工, bye you guys
Blueblue you 玩野呀
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Good afternoon David, you have you lunch yet?
12.30 still 1 hour ahead. You can go afternoon tea instead
5971# zzleezz
Zzlee long time no see,
Hello Cafe and friends, Good morning here. Good night there.
Hello Rober 唔午安我.
Not bad, I just come back from the outlet mall. But I didn't but anything.
How's about you?
roberton888 發表於 2011-4-3 12:29 PM
How is your new job, everything OK?
都OK 啦.....
roberton888 發表於 2011-4-3 12:37 PM
OK咋 That mean not happy