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ferguson said will give more young player chance 2play n ger some experience..!!
hope mu can have a big win
sure win n big win
5-0..i wish.....support
wat the hell wow............
so disapointed leh
mu gambae ah
wat the hell wow............
so disapointed leh
mu gambae ah
no eye see .........but still have 2 accept the result..:onion03: :024:
原帖由 ljw1982 於 2007-9-27 03:52 PM 發表
ya lah... how come young devill can lose the match like this... some more is at home.... come on young devil show yourself you strong
last seson i duno is carling cup or fa cup...mu 1st team + young player also lose 2 low division team......ugly...!!!
hope mu can win the champion league cup n EPL cup......gambate...show us u can