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原帖由 天使_琪 於 2007-11-19 10:20 AM 發表
dun wan arrr...as long as i m reli.......young geh :P
hehe....got ppl support u put pic liao loh....
jz put lah
原帖由 天使_琪 於 2007-11-19 10:31 AM 發表
impossible :019:
like that nvm lah....
i jz thinking u r a elder ah yi is OK liao loh....
morning ah....all guy
原帖由 天使_琪 於 2007-12-1 09:34 AM 發表
来饮杯茶,精神d.ah lai:onion14:
:onion18: just hv my breakfast liao loh
原帖由 天使_琪 於 2007-12-1 09:42 AM 發表
nasi lemak again???:019:
no loh.....today is fried mee hon
原帖由 天使_琪 於 2007-12-1 09:53 AM 發表
fried mee hun is better...:onion18:
guai la..dun eat nasi lemak..will fat
but now is very fat liao loh....
原帖由 天使_琪 於 2007-12-1 10:00 AM 發表
so leh
it's d time to keep fit lah
i think i'm really want to keep fit liao loh....
原帖由 天使_琪 於 2007-12-5 07:20 PM 發表
hihi...eat ur dinner already?:onion18:
i haven eat woh.....:019:
can belanja me ?
原帖由 天使_琪 於 2007-12-5 08:23 PM 發表
i oledi eat popiah la...u r late...hehe:onion18:
:onion03: i wan i wan.....
very hungry now liao.....
原帖由 posman 於 2007-12-5 08:40 PM 發表

i got banana u wan or not??
dun want banana:024:
i'm not 吃斋
原帖由 天使_琪 於 2007-12-5 08:42 PM 發表
hehe u come to kl i belanja u eat la
2day here got night market :P
later u want go pasar malam???
kepong de?