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健康原因講多D / EP211 - Audio is out of sync (or from another program / 節目).
EP217 聲畫不同步 (Also same issue EP212, 213, 216)
1# whyhung

Still having problem with video and audio out of sync (聲軌不同步).  Does anyone know how to fix it?
Or can a high ranking member PM the original poster/版主?  This has been going on for over two months.  Thank you!
EP223, I'm still having problem with out of sync (聲軌不同步).  If this works for you, which video player/app do you use to watch it? (用哪個播放器來觀看?)  Thanks!
1# whyhung

Thank you!  EP224 is finally working correctly with sound.
1# whyhung

健康原因講多D / EP228 - Audio is out of sync
健康原因講多D / EP229 - Audio is out of sync
1# whyhung

EP239, EP241 - Sound out of sync.
1# whyhung

EP243, sound out of sync
1# whyhung

EP244 - Sound out of sync.
1# whyhung

Thank you! Ep 246 is good
1# whyhung

EP247, sound out of sync.  Thanks!