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原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-28 12:31 PM 發表
i saw bourget deep green that is why i am out jar......
見到 felix 要格殺勿論!!!!  
原帖由 chu553358 於 2007-12-28 12:34 PM 發表
哇 呢度好熱鬧bo
不過 我要:sleeps:  886 everybody:014:
原帖由 boy12 於 2007-12-28 01:21 PM 發表

He is dead cos too many girl likes him la !!
Don't make me !!!!
原帖由 nesta0013 於 2007-12-28 01:31 PM 發表

原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-28 01:40 PM 發表
what ever , my target is him.....do not run............i chase you all the way to singerpore, i buy air ticket tomorrow...!!!
nestle 唔鍾意食爛蕉
原帖由 boy12 於 2007-12-28 01:44 PM 發表

I'll help take care of your sister !!
Don't worry !  Just go and have fun !!
You want felix and his sister? so greedy!
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-28 01:53 PM 發表
he is hamsub he want my sister tell him to eat his banana hahahaah......
carful he might want u later.........
That's why you and boy12 are made for each other cuz you are both hamsub!
Anybody home?
原帖由 Raishin 於 2007-12-29 11:45 AM 發表
:onion03: :onion03: fixing my keyboard ctrl button!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why you need the ctrl button?
原帖由 Raishin 於 2007-12-29 12:15 PM 發表
copy n paste post...hahaha
don't you just need to use the mouse to do that?
Happy New Year!!
felix changed clothes haha
woofy is eating dinner
Woofy is back!