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原帖由 dororo 於 2007-4-23 22:14 發表。

想 ban 邊個呀~~~
電影娛樂吹水區係 under 電影交流區
冇權 mod post~~
呢期係忙 delete d 冇意思既回覆....
佢地可以答多謝, 明多一點點 (其實重未有人答個問題喎)
原帖由 dororo 於 2007-4-23 22:23 發表。

唔同 grade 一定唔得啦~~
不如試下 ban 唔 ban 到天一啦~~ :65:
原帖由 dororo 於 2007-4-23 22:28 發表。

咁我打時都未見到你個 post......
原帖由 dororo 於 2007-4-23 22:37 發表。

我加返分比你 lu~~~ :69:
原帖由 dororo 於 2007-4-23 22:46 發表。


定係驚我地 ban 佢呀...... :69:
原帖由 dororo 於 2007-4-23 22:52 發表。
蛋~* 吾會返黎lu 得返bush
佢入左黎 tvbnow 喎~~
一點 lu....
早抖 爹地
woowoo.. yeahwoo...woowoo.. yeahwoo...woowoo.. yeahwoo...
原帖由 dororo 於 2007-4-24 21:38 發表。
要攞51 分入成人區太易喇!!
Gwen Stefani- The sweet escape lyrics

If I could escape
I would, but first of all let me say
I must apologize for acting,
stinking, treating you this way
Cause I've been acting like sour milk
fell on the floor
It's your fault you didn't shut
the refridgerator
Maybe that's the reason
I've been acting so cold

If I could escape
And re-create a place as my own world
And I could be your favorite girl
Forever, perfectly together
Tell me boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?

If I could be sweet
I know I've been a real bad girl
I didn't mean for you to get hurt
Forever, we can make it better
Tell me boy, Now wouldn't that be sweet?
Sweet escape

(I wanna get away, to our sweet escape)

You let me down
I'm at my lowest boiling point
Come help me out
I need to get me out of this joint
Come on, let's bounce
Counting on you to turn me around
Instead of clowning around for some common ground

So baby, times getting a little crazy
I've been getting a little lazy
Waiting for you to come save me
I can see that you're angry
By the way the you treat me
Hopefully you don't leave me
Want to take you with me

If I could escape
And re-create a place as my own world
And I could be your favorite girl
Forever, perfectly together
Ttell me boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?

If I could be sweet
I know I've been a real bad girl
I didn't mean for you to get hurt
Forever, we can make it better
Tell me boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
Sweet escape

(Woo-who, yee-who)

If I could escape

Cause I've been acting like sour milk
fell on the floor
It's your fault you didn't shut t
he refridgerator
Maybe that's the reason
I've been acting so cold

If I could escape
And re-create a place in my own world
And I could be your favorite girl
Forever, perfectly together
Tell me boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?

If I could be sweet
I know I've been a real bad girl
I didn't mean for you to get hurt
Forever, we can make it better
Tell me boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
Sweet escape

(Woo-who, yee-who)
(I wanna get away, to our sweet escape)