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原帖由 manyiu 於 2009-2-22 06:21 AM 發表

You are responsible for it as you have to help DOBI take care of 大牛 really well, 佢都算係你個仔喎! 哈!589599
原帖由 manyiu 於 2009-2-22 07:44 AM 發表

咁衰呀! 今日唔采佢, 直到佢錫番大牛為止囉!
you help 大牛 and not help me


原帖由 DOBI 於 2009-2-22 07:37 AM 發表



原帖由 manyiu 於 2009-2-22 08:12 AM 發表

You have to love both DOBI and 大牛; otherwise, you will be in trouble! ha ha!
please read my description careful
I can only love one at a time


原帖由 DOBI 於 2009-2-24 01:05 AM 發表
do I get any 利是


原帖由 h2o 於 2009-2-24 06:11 PM 發表

幾老...ooops... 幾多歲啦?
her age is not your business....why are you so 8


原帖由 DOBI 於 2009-2-25 06:18 AM 發表

of course I will help you....you are the best


原帖由 h2o 於 2009-2-25 06:48 AM 發表

how can u say happy birthday to someone without knowing his/her age ar?
i have to know it ar... know how many candles we need for the cake ar ma!
she doesn't need you to bring the cake la....just bring presents


原帖由 h2o 於 2009-2-25 06:50 AM 發表

you tell me blue cloud's age first la


原帖由 DOBI 於 2009-2-25 12:22 PM 發表

no time to bake cake la
busy with school


原帖由 DOBI 於 2009-2-25 12:20 PM 發表

係先好講呀.... 如果唔係我會 打鑊你呀   
don't 打 me la
I am a very good boy


原帖由 DOBI 於 2009-2-26 10:12 AM 發表
it's so warm in NY...40-49


原帖由 JackyNelson 於 2009-2-27 03:53 AM 發表
Hello Everyone........

you find your way here too


dobi dobi....where are you


jj and dobi not here


原帖由 Geai 於 2009-3-6 04:30 AM 發表
u scare them away  
what did I do wor

