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原帖由 天一 於 2007-10-10 12:39 AM 發表

later my notebook money let uncle lim chop......how i alive.....
哈哈哈~~对的对的~~~还是赌万能好 <因为万能兄在>~~~
原帖由 jacksonkua 於 2007-10-10 12:42 AM 發表

KL GOT 叶子X大包!吃过吗?
吃过~~有大概一尺大呀~~~~so delicious~~~so still have wat kind of food wanna recommend to me ~~i wanna go to try ~~
原帖由 天一 於 2007-10-10 12:43 AM 發表

just go there play the tiger machine for 1 time......
so how abt the result ~~~have win jackpot or not...
原帖由 天一 於 2007-10-10 12:44 AM 發表

:024:...got this infomation u did not tell me.......
how...??any skill....???
u go to there see more and learn more ~~u will know the skill~~~因为我朋友是在云顶转轮盘的~~所以他说你们看久了就知道他的走势~~他说最重要是look in to his HAND`~~something he will give signal to other customer ~~~"请不要不看和analysis就赌"
原帖由 天一 於 2007-10-10 12:50 AM 發表

i start play with RM10.....play for 1 hour +.....have more that 10 times almost get the jackpot....but everytime....also cant get it......and in the end...just win very less......
有赢 就好了啦~~~去那边的开销就FREE了啦~~~
原帖由 天一 於 2007-10-10 12:46 AM 發表

where is magnum brother....???
i wan get the 真字 from him......hahahah
万能兄=TERENCENG呀~~~~ you go to get from him lah~~~hahahaha
原帖由 crashersus 於 2007-10-10 12:48 AM 發表

crash兄好呀~~~welcome to 吹水~~~
原帖由 天一 於 2007-10-10 12:55 AM 發表

hahah....i also know need to do a lot of analysis....but i dont have so many time to stay there and do analysis lah.....i go with fren....they all just go for fun....not fot gambiling......
是的不赌是好的~~人总是要靠自己~~不过我要送你一句"不赌不知时运到,不滚不知身体好"呀~~哈哈哈 just kidding~~
原帖由 jacksonkua 於 2007-10-10 12:57 AM 發表

I use to Win 5-6k before, but only one time, that time "Open" 9-10 banker's in a row.
wah~~~really 你赢了之后,就下山了???
原帖由 天一 於 2007-10-10 01:03 AM 發表

.....有啊....我有賭...同朋友打麻將....and新年賭錢....打麻將 = 派錢.....
新年賭錢 = 不過不失.....
是的~~新年不赌,对不起父母呀~~~ 可是不要用红包钱赌呀,不吉利的呀
原帖由 jacksonkua 於 2007-10-10 01:06 AM 發表

Sure.... most important Don't Greedy...
yaya~~~absolutely agree wif you~~~~
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2007-10-10 01:07 AM 發表

... 有見地..
原帖由 jacksonkua 於 2007-10-10 01:13 AM 發表


父母也睹,家庭稳固 大家
yaya~~~ very creative ya~~jackson...