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回復 #815 woofy 的帖子

me here too.....

回復 #818 nesta0013 的帖子

finish ur lunch?
hoho...need sleep now....:sleeps: :sleeps: :sleeps:
c u all later ya...i think i will be here later ...

回復 #821 woofy 的帖子

yes yes i try to play be4..is hard....i keep thinking how they do to get top10....c u all later ya...
:onion03: :onion03: :onion03:
felix the cat???

回復 #870 bourget 的帖子

which name are felix using wor???

回復 #883 bourget 的帖子

support felix..than i open watermelon(我的美人) company

回復 #885 bourget 的帖子

hoho。。gd wor..let me think first la..maybe i will use bask the names...财神回来咯。。。
hallo。。。 ....

回復 #1060 bourget 的帖子

ok lo....din earn alot......but anyway lucky for din buy liverpool..if nt...:019: :019: :019: ..how about u..u doing gd wor...

回復 #1080 woofy 的帖子

he is taking a gd dream in his banana company now....

回復 #1085 bourget 的帖子

u will open buffalo wing rite>buffalo wing is a something spicy rite???

回復 #1089 bourget 的帖子

i hear that be4..is a place ..i remember it...something else like that la....

回復 #1094 bourget 的帖子

tobasco souce is a very spicy sauce ....haha....

回復 #1104 bourget 的帖子

we wan to know also ...hoho...