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回復 #2783 bourget 的帖子

hor ho r that is me hahahahahaha

回復 #2786 bourget 的帖子

i did get them wor....i think u did too but u have got a lot la...when will u give me all ur tvb$$$ for a day?
me here too!!!!!!!!:onion14:

回復 #2854 lenykoy 的帖子

i go to sleep now ttyl!!!!!!!!!!:sleeps: :sleeps:

回復 #3020 visitor 的帖子

too early play waste of time ar ma mr old man visitor haha

回復 #3022 visitor 的帖子

yes but i will not spend much time on it yet, hold on a bit la, this is not even the start yet.......
i think if u know how to play this game 3 weeks will be enough la.

回復 #3024 super.dog 的帖子

100% support wuper dog to be vip!!!!!

回復 #3044 super.dog 的帖子

more ling!!!!!!
wah i am the last one to vote ar ma.........

i have to write long for super dog"""""""" leave it until saturday la.

super, i hae got something GOOD for u help u to become vip ga

回復 #3050 super.dog 的帖子

i msn u la.......i will post out later la........all member all see it

回復 #3052 boy12 的帖子

superdog has got connection with nesta......

回復 #3181 untori 的帖子

where is my cup? i want one too